Modding Discussion Who needs more dialogue the most?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by M!lo, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. M!lo

    M!lo Yeah, You!

    I want to try my hand at modding and would really like to give some dialogue a go. What characters do you think need additional content the most? I've seen a lot of mods adding dialogue for the bachelors (especially Seb) but haven't seen much for the bachelorettes. Perhaps I'm just missing them.

    What character(s) would you be most interested in?

    If you have any specific ideas, let me know!
    • Zosa

      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

      frankly the children are woefully lacking X D i really want the special mastery for friending vincent and jas but i'm already soooo tired of them any i am nowhere near where i need to be. one would think children with no school-days and freedom to roam would have lots to talk about but nope, they barely have anything to say at all

      of course if you only care about female datable peeps then haley if for no reason other than to make her less of a jerk-face early on
      • M!lo

        M!lo Yeah, You!

        I hadn't really thought about Jas and Vincent. That's a good idea! You really would think they'd have more to say.

        Nope, I'm not limiting anything right now. Hahah, yeah, she's pretty rude. I sort of like her transformation though, although I think that bit could be done a little better.
        • Zosa

          Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

          i'm sure with more options for the chars say most everyone could be a little smoother in their transitions :rofl:

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