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RELEASED Wild Things

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Armed Mosquito, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Sketch2347

    Sketch2347 Phantasmal Quasar

  2. DarkBirdo

    DarkBirdo Phantasmal Quasar

    the download link is broken
  3. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    Armed Mosquito updated Wild Things with a new update entry:

    from unstable to stable.. #0.0.6b

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Gevouden

    Gevouden Big Damn Hero

    Are these fighting pets, or vanity pets?
  5. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    What an amazing mod! the idea is absolutely gorgeous! it sounds more like a total conversion mod, although something like would be huge and probably take months of work to get done correctly, still its a really cool design so far! ill keep an eye on it and see how it grows! :3
  6. Lolzies

    Lolzies Void-Bound Voyager

    For some reason I can't craft wooden stakes... Plz help.
  7. InevitableChoice

    InevitableChoice Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Are there any screenshots?
  8. Gevouden

    Gevouden Big Damn Hero

    With this mod installed, i can no longer craft bandages or climbing rope. Is that intended , or a bug?
  9. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    Hey Everyone,

    Sorry I turned many notifications off when I left just now noticed and switched them on. First of all thanks to all the interest you have to come and post your questions I really appreciate the feedback! Now to answer some questions..

    Just also a quick reminder this mod is not at all considered finished, so these types of reports below are excellent tools to help me fine tune things as I focus on going ahead.

    Current Known Bugs as of #0.0.6b (this list will be updated until reaching the next page)
    • Starting a new character using "Become a Survivalist" does not give the recipe to the crafting table.
    • Using this mod will make recipes such as bandages, climbing rope, flare, and torch crafted from the survivalist table. This was not intended and you can expect to be able to craft those again just as you would normally.
    • Currently crafting wooden stakes is not possible unless I am forgetting something, so to fix this I will make wooden stakes learned once you loot your first cut logs from trees.

    "Are these fighting pets, or vanity pets?"
    - They are currently fighting capture pod type pets. Some new systems and unique pets for your ship are planned, these features I was waiting for and it wasn't released at that time so time to really get creative with the pets. But yes back to your question they are fighting pets, do you like the idea of vanity pets also?
    "With this mod installed, i can no longer craft bandages or climbing rope. Is that intended , or a bug?"
    - This is not intended I will investigate into that thanks for reporting here. I think what happened

    "What an amazing mod! the idea is absolutely gorgeous! it sounds more like a total conversion mod, although something like would be huge and probably take months of work to get done correctly, still its a really cool design so far! ill keep an eye on it and see how it grows!"
    - Many thanks! And thanks again! It's funny you say that it reminds you of a total conversion mod because I would honestly like to do something in that direction. But more of something you can download other parts and make it small conversion or large depending on what you would want to add one day. Right now I got the core of it started you could say and some of it now needs to be reevaluated due to the latest updates in starbound, which btw rock.. :p But I hope to make a announcement soon on my new plans while updating some bugs in between that time.

    "For some reason I can't craft wooden stakes... Plz help."
    - It appears not, and this appears to really slow down the progression as I just tested it myself. I will come out with an update by tomorrow afternoon dealing with all of these issues. Thanks for your report on that find.

    "Are there any screenshots?"
    - Sorry, not at this time I am actually working on a trailer for the next update, when I got some things finished I will release some nice shots of in game play action. However much of the art on the mod page is directly .png from the mod. Is there things you would like to see in screenshots particularly?

    Keep em' coming!

    Learn more about my future plans for Wild Things,
    - https://trello.com/c/yOgf5XJp/35-5-16-2015

    Need a responsive Starbound template? I am working on one that almost ready check it out
    - http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/starbound-responsive-template-html5-css3.96230/
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
    Corraidhín likes this.
  10. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    ahh I see you ve got things thought and through! My best wishes on the development of your mod! I am absolutely eager to see what you create! why, I think I will enjoy this mod once its grown! as of now I cant spare the time. Alas, life is what happens when you are busy making plans.
    Armed Mosquito likes this.
  11. Preacher

    Preacher Phantasmal Quasar

    Do you know if or how the mod is compatible with FrackinUniverse? Because it seems like your monsters (Wild Things) spawn on specific events etc. and I just cant find any new monsters at all. Not on vanilla planets from moderate to extreme, and sure not on Frackin Planets too.

    I would love to support your mod and use it in the future with coming updates, but either its way too hard to find ANYthing "new" from your mod or its buggy right now (most likely from frackin, if so)

    Greetings :)

    Edit: With "new" i mean anything new beside your crafting table obviously (which I couldnt get too now, but dont want to cheat it or make a work-around)
  12. Lolzies

    Lolzies Void-Bound Voyager

    Waiting for the update since this mod seems really great!
    Armed Mosquito likes this.
  13. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    Armed Mosquito updated Wild Things with a new update entry:

    Bug Squash! New way to become a Survivalist..

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    I investigated using the mod Frackin' Universe. I just did a simple test by removing my universe, and player files. I then added the two mods together including the other I support currently Questlog. I launched Starbound and created my first character, when I got in game I easily found my new monsters such as the red fox and the pig walking around. The starting biome via vanilla to clarify.

    Perhaps you have a starbound.log file you can show me when you tried using my mod and it failed due to your suspicions, if so I could get to the issue a bit quicker. But I used vanilla spawning just added my monsters to biomes that are specific a new character would be a great test if you still fail perhaps send me a log I can further investigate deeper.

    Sorry for my delay, I actually had a wall I hit before I figured out which direction to take the quest coming up in the bigger update.. Back from Space. Anyhow that will be a major release and in the meantime I plan to keep releasing the smaller content such as bug fix's and non intended things. I'm also going to add new content here and there to the mod. But I can see right now the most important focus will be making sure players progress without confusion on how to do so.

    Also to everyone else who might be curious.. Back from Space the next major update for Wild Things mod will contain many new features, I am not exactly sure when it will be ready but I will keep everyone updated at least weekly if nothing else. I can say I hope to have it ready by the end of this month but don't want to say the wrong date give or take end of the month. I am always interested in replying back to feedback about the mod here I might give some replies some time depending on how the issue at hand.

    I hope everyone enjoys what I have created so far and I am really glad many of you would like to see the mod grow so I will do my best to get the mod complete, thanks all for your support! Oh one last thing, the trailer will be replaced when the time comes to show content working. After the trailer release I will likely do some basic tutorial videos, but this depends on how easy I can make it to understand in game. Until next time!
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  14. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    Armed Mosquito updated Wild Things with a new update entry:

    Wild Things - #0.0.6d - HOTFIX

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Preacher

    Preacher Phantasmal Quasar

    Thanks for your trouble, I dont know why, but after searching for 1 hours without anything I finally found pigs and foxes on my farming hut planet by accident.. ^^ Still a little bit weird they didn't show up on all the other planets.

    Any chance you could add a specific patch for FrackinUniverse.. Like special pets in combination with the new Frackin Planets? (just random example would be a panther in the jungle / huge trees biome) That would be awesome! I love to hunt rare things and with that I could even hunt rare pets / monsters on all the new planets (which are quite alot).

    Damn.. Wanted to write something else, but im so lazy, I forgot it while I wrote -.- Hate that. Anyway, hope you will make your mod a even greater one in the future.
  16. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    No problem at all, I'm glad you took the time to post it even if it was a mistake thanks! To help clear some things up I figured I should post some locations of where things spawn here in a spoiler below. In the near future I can certainly do that, I will not be focusing on that part just yet but perhaps after #0.1.0 is released. Once I got the time to focus on that I will actually resarch frackin more and figure out the best planets to spawn them, I will even do some other mods that add more biomes. "I love to hunt rare things and with that I could even hunt rare pets / monsters on all the new planets (which are quite alot).". Rare wild thing encounter and fights for special pets etc is actually something I am planning.

    View Spoiler below for Wild Things Spawn Locations

    You should find these things in the follow locations below, some creatures spawn at only night time and visa versa. Some aggro some are passive.
    • Holiday event Wild Things will spawn in various locations, perhaps at times all biomes.
    • Moons spawn Aliens.
    • Artic Biomes for the snowman, and walrus spawn.
    • Tundra Biomes spawn Walrus, and Snow Owls
    • Forest Biome for Redfox, Moose, and Brown Bear
    • Jungle Biome spawns Koala
    • Savannahs spawn Rhino
    • Snow Biome spawns Walrus, and Snow Owl
    • Starting Biomes spawn Pigs, and Redfox

    Hope that spoiler helps clarify where you can find these creatures at this current release #0.0.6d

    In writing this spoiler out I noticed I have a few creatures spawning still from holiday events this fix isn't dire at the moment I will simply update it on the next minor content release #0.0.7.Also before I get into adding more Wild Things to the mod I would like to see how I can give the current ones a better place in the mod. For example killing a red fox maybe can give a red fox pelt, or fox skull, etc. Harvestable parts for each wild thing is something I hope to release for the next content update.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
    Preacher likes this.
  17. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    So I have been working hard on #0.0.7 but.. I just hit a brick wall. I have found some issues to why many things were not spawning as intended. To sum most of this up into a few lines the issue at hand currently is adding new spawn groups and profiles for biomes that already have spawn groups, profiles set up.

    For example the forest file was successfully patched to add the new spawn group for monsters from Wild Things and to do it by biome such as jungle, Savannah, artic, etc. But my issue is when I do this it causes monsters of all sorts to not spawn. I have some more things to try and perhaps some help on the subject from metadept..

    My true intention was to make biome specific spawning but well the above is my issue, if anyone knows how to fix this stuff up I would greatly appreciate it and will totally credit you for the help. Besides that I have gotten many improvements I am excited to show you all. I actually played the game all day yesterday to help improve game play in this update.

    If worse comes to worse I will have to mix in my monster spawns with the default game spawns, the only thing bad about this is it could lead to finding something like a snow owl in a desert.

    Sorry for the inconvenience of issues with monsters spawning from my mod currently this is a tough one, and thanks for reading this short news update.

    Resolved, found a few changes to how the code worked very slight difference enough to report no errors anyhow happy to say its resolved.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Preacher likes this.
  18. Armed Mosquito

    Armed Mosquito Existential Complex

    Armed Mosquito updated Wild Things with a new update entry:

    Wild Things - #0.0.7a - Gameplay Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    I just want to clear up that there was a major issue resolved that only 7 people downloaded. This version is now tested, and considered stable with a PGI fix included. I deeply apologize for this error, I must need more coffee!
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  19. VarekRaith

    VarekRaith Phantasmal Quasar

    We all need more coffee.

    One minor thing I noticed. Your torch recipe gives 1 torch, not the 2 the vanilla one gives you. This causea me to have two torch recipes show up in my crafting gui.
    Armed Mosquito likes this.
  20. Ishrindor

    Ishrindor Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what but I can't seem to figure out how to get the snares
    to work.
    I place them down and wait for a monster to cross it's path and nothing, just walks by it.
    Any tips of the snares?

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