Hi people! As of late I've been working on a new race mod for starbound. They're a race of what were once humans and I don't have a real backstory for them yet. Keep in mind that this is my first mod so it's not the best in the world. Right now I've got the actual sprites for the race itself and a few other things. And that's all I've finished so far, leave your suggestions in the comments! Oh and please give me CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I'm all for people criticizing my work but please keep it respectful. If you have any ideas please list them as well.
I think this belongs in the "mod releases/wips" section, under races. Otherwise I think it looks ok so far. As a note for formatting I suggest having a single image of the complete humanoid sprite, rather than showing all the individual images that mame up the sprite. It will give a better idea of what they look like with single sprites for each one.
Woops, I hadn't seen that when I posted it here xD, thanks for the suggestion! I don't have a program that can piece them together yet without completely redrawing it xD. Do you have any links to good photo editing software?
http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/a-wolf-race-mod-i-guess.135232/ here's the link to it on there