This is where the stories live. Stories inspired by Starbound. Stories of grand adventure in the vast stretches of space, hopping from planet to planet, eking out your existence and struggling for survival in a harsh, cruel world. Or stories of pwning noobs with your trained mobs. Either way. ^.^
Stare at a wall! Not even joking though. I'm talking about a certain textured wall though... you can see things in themo-o Bathroom walls
If you're writing something that you think has the potential to cause any offense, please put a warning tag in the post title - I think NSFL (Not Safe For Life) is the accepted tag ^.^
I read the first one, and although it did make me laugh (something I barely ever do with books) I found it pretty confusing. Also, I'm working on a fanfic about the adventures of a rich penguin who travels the universe.
There's a difference - NSFW is for something that wouldn't be suitable to open in the place of work, while NSFL is something that may cause offense to some individuals depending on age, beliefs, squeamishness, etc.
I needed a creative outlet like this! I WILL POST SOON! The story of captain noob and his quest for the magic golden Donuts.
I'm still pondering making that story with the Zombie Pirate Ninja Cyborg monkeys named Bill. And their human captain, named Bill. And the one Zombie Pirate Ninja Cyborg monkey they call Sally. You...probably don't wanna know why Bill named that one Sally.
*Takes out quill and parchment* One is going to kick butt old-school. Or stab myself with the quill alot, I was never good with those.
Considering I am an avid roleplayer, is it not a bad idea to collaborate on a story? It would make things quite interesting, no? Who's with meh?!