"A wise choice, tis popular in every sabbat, just make sure to first remove the rabbit." "Why would you ever waste just a delicious treat? Put that cake on the table and maybe we'll replace it with rabbit's feet." "In the end, nothing is something, I suppose, Sure, go ahead and throw in those."
"A magical knockout! But it's a contradiction, so your potion simply cancels out." "A delectable finger, valuable dead or alive, a few of these will surely make the potion thrive! But you best not linger, for when their owner comes, you'll get much worse than the finger."
"I'll give you a hand with the hand you gave me, now if only we could make a whole body, perhaps throw in a knee. Let's turn this practice most spiritual, into a nasty necromantic ritual!" "Cannot add what isn't there, but I will take the bird stolen from air. Now, if you bought the leg of this beast, I'm sure I could turn it into a KFC feast."
"A delectable bird, just plot it right in, among the gore, it'll fit right in, with something so great right off the bat, I'm excited to then see thrown in the corpse of a-" "Dare you bring in something so precious to my dark art! Run, you have a 10-minute headstart."
I can take a bullet without a problem, I add in miscellaneous human parts and that bullet you wasted.