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wizard mirror bug

Discussion in 'Support' started by aquamarine1990, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. aquamarine1990

    aquamarine1990 Tentacle Wrangler

    Hi i managed to reach the 4 stars of friendship for me to gain access to his back door basement area and when I spend my 500 coins on the mirror so I can change my appearance it goes blank.

    I will attach a screen shot.
    can anyone help me???

      Attached Files:

    • tim45

      tim45 Space Hobo

      like me... bug of appearance
      • Shubeans

        Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

        This is fixed, and will be pushed in the next update.
        • Amygamelover

          Amygamelover Space Hobo

          I got the same problem where I got the wizard to 4 hearts, went to the shrine on the same day, and then there were no options for me to click or exit from changing appearance. I am using the Android phone version of this game.

            Attached Files:

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