RELEASED Wonderland Buildings 1.0


  1. maenadicx

    maenadicx Tentacle Wrangler

    <3 Hello Guy~ <3

    I really need to share my Wonderland Buildings. ^^
    Actully I made this mod for myself lol
    Sorry, if has some white dots in Big Coop and Big Barn ;--;

    Sample :3



    Dowload Here :catface:

    ::Special Thank::

    And mushfae for inspiration of silo sorry i don't know how to tag people :facepalm:

    And barfyscorpion for any cute greenhouse coop and barn

    And I Love Pasta Game for inspiration of wonderland lol.

    Sorry, My english is weak.
    Hope you like it!! :lickitung:
      Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
    • taintedwheat

      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

      Are there any working screenshots of your work?
      • maenadicx

        maenadicx Tentacle Wrangler

        You mean this?, sorry if i wrong :oops:
        • eemie

          eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

          These are cute :)
          • eemie

            eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

            I see you tagged me for the greenhouse. I guess that's okay but it's not my work. I don't know who made it either. When I find out I'll let you know so you can credit them as well.
            • maenadicx

              maenadicx Tentacle Wrangler

              Oh! Really, i don't know too.
              But i get this from you lol. :wot:
              • Rosalie

                Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
              • maenadicx

                maenadicx Tentacle Wrangler

                Rosalie likes this.
              • Rosalie

                Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                oops, my bad! I didn't see that for some reason O:

                thank you <3
                • The | Suit

                  The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

                  Please do not use uppic - it seems to be down often.
                  You can directly upload images to this site by pressing upload file at the bottom of the text box next to the post reply button. Once uploaded a new button will appear which will say "Full image or thumb nail" to add the image to the post.

                  Or if you want to use a file host use
                  • mushfae

                    mushfae Pangalactic Porcupine

                  • itsbea

                    itsbea Tentacle Wrangler

                    absolutely gorgeous wonderland building designs!!! :nuruhype::nuruflirt:
                    • barfyscorpion

                      barfyscorpion Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Hi there, I do not mind you using my resources in these buildings, but I would appreciate it if you would credit me for the resources of mine that you used on the Greenhouse, Coop, and Barn. I see my doors, plants, and general base being used here.
                      • SasuraUchiha

                        SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                        Ooooh, how cute!
                        • maenadicx

                          maenadicx Tentacle Wrangler

                          Oh sorry i forgot it :facepalm:
                          Sure, i would credit you
                            barfyscorpion likes this.
                          • pangz

                            pangz Void-Bound Voyager

                            ask white craftables. plz :cry:
                            • 엠블런

                              엠블런 Intergalactic Tourist

                              Hello, I am playing Star Dew Valley in Korea. I'm using it because I like Wonderland mode. I don't know if you know the tractor mode, but I'd like to make and distribute the tractor mode's garage in a Wonderland version. I'd appreciate your permission. But if you say no, I won't.
                              • cat9412

                                cat9412 Phantasmal Quasar

                                Hello! Here is a CP conversion of your adorable mod <3

                                I hope I did okay ^^"


                                Barn.png Stable.png Coop.png Big Barn.png Deluxe Coop.png Well.png Big Coop.png Silo.png Deluxe Barn.png Slime Hutch.png houses.png

                                  Attached Files:

                                  meoconden likes this.

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