Hey everyone, its it me, Dynafols, bwahahaahahahhahahhahah. Anyways, my suggestion for Starbound is something for the random coordinate worlds, and the idea of mining and tiers. I think that it will help Starbound if some planets, not all, but some force you to restart mining tiers (if it exists). It works like this. Say you come to a completely new planet, and normally you'd have say, the highest tier possible and could mine anything. But with this, imagine if some worlds forced you to adapt to their own minerals and natural resources so in a way, you would have to "start over" just for that planet to get it's goodies and loot (everyone loves loot). I'm just suggesting this because in the game Terraria (I"m sure a majority of you know what game that is), it starts to get a little repeative of just world hopping to farm minerals. I think with being forced to "start over" with mining for worlds it helps bring a feeling of a whole new challenge that you can't just fly through. And if there isn't mining or mining is just a minor factor, then o well. I can't wait for those 21,000 different visual styles of rocket launchers!
Could be a rather neat concept, however, I don't think they want anyone to focus the majority of their time collecting a new resource just to get a resource on a planet. I think that planets will have different materials throughout them, but they will most likely link, so that your previous items aren't just useless there.
I'm mainly talking about few planets, of course not all. It would be annoying as (cookie dough with spiders in it) to know that your weapons and tools are useless every single time you visit a new place.
The thing is, world hopping is now a part of this game. From my understanding, if one world is tapped out, you could just pack up shop and move to a new one. Granted, you would have to rebuild certain infrastructure elements, I think. Mind, I'm not privy to the development, so I could be wrong. Though, I do like the idea of having to adapt to unique challenges and traits of the new worlds you hop to. I don't think you should have to start over from scratch every time, but the same solution shouldn't work for every world if copied exactly. Say, for example, the next world you hopped to had much more acidic or 'water' oceans and rain than the previous one, and you'd have to adapt your structures with special shielding or build a roof over them, or build them underground and out of the acid rain. As well as bringing the right equipment to resist said acid. Or something like that. There's plenty of ways to keep things fresh instead of a straight restart.
Idea is interesting, environment in the planet is forcing you to get a specific way of doing things that would normally not be required in other planets.
Eh, I want to leave the solutions open ended, so people can think up unique stuff to do, instead of just 'research this to land on this world'. Research should give people more options to experiment with.
I Agree with tehepik here Your homeplanet is the one all your NPC's will live on. Ultimately that is where you will return to stock your minerals.
I think some of you guys mis-understood the thread..... I was suggesting that when you go to "some" planets, not all, but some planets, in order to get and obtain its resources and some of its goodies, you have to adapt to the new planet's resources, so that your tier lvl 100 mining gear will be mostly useless. You can still drain other planet's resources and bring them all back to your home world, but some special planets that you drain will force you into "restarting" so that its more of a challenge to get special resources.
Oooh I see what you are saying Essentially you are looking for resources that require higher mining tech. is that what you are saying?
Uhhh, not exactly. You know what, I'm just gonna take a quote from Blue-Demon, that penguin guy. "Idea is interesting, environment in the planet is forcing you to get a specific way of doing things that would normally not be required in other planets." How about I give you an imaginary example? Say you're on Terraria, and you have the molten pickaxe. Then you went to this whole new world, with new minerals and everything. But, for whatever reason, your molten pickaxe cannot mine it. So what you have to do is mine the weakest mineral on the planet and then climb your way back up the tier latter. But it must also be noted, these new minerals, just because they can't be mined by your top tier mining tool, doesn't mean they are stronger, they are just different. You can also think of it like this. A wizard put a spell on an entire planet, and your tools are useless. So you have to start from the bottom again, just for that planet alone.
I think the key to all this is endgame content, no one wants to endlessly grind out more ores. We need content that will keep us busy once we can mine anything. I think the idea of starting "over" on some planets is a good one, thought would still feel like end game grinding?
I like your idea... maybe not every planet needs to be like this but maybe the planet has small caches of ore you CAN mine with almost any tool, but to mine the planets REAL ores you have to make tools out of the first ore you mine... yes I can imagine it Kinda like when you got a hollowed world . This would force the player to search these planets to maybe advance to make even better mechs etc. A good midgame - endgame mechanic ^^