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RELEASED XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition 1.16a

6 Excessively Destructive mechsuits - Cheerful Giraffe

  1. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I doubt it. Nothing works on nightly. Wait for 1.0 to drop.
  2. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

    The worst thing you could do is uninstall it after apart of it exists with your character save. That forever corrupts it, unless you reinstall it. You should have posted your log so someone could tell you what's wrong with the mod.

    It could have been some in the sense that two mods of yours have the same item name. It could also be because your using this on a version this mod doesn't support.

    If it crashes everytime, post your log. There are still ways to get your character back.
  3. RocketBoss360

    RocketBoss360 Void-Bound Voyager

    please make work in the nightly build and with the nighty fix mod please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. StompChop

    StompChop Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if this is the right place for suggestions but here it goes.

    Is there any possibility of adding "bull charge" ability to theta mech?
    Let's say it's rail cannon would turn into a large enough shield, which is going to decrease damage taken dramaticaly.
    It's thrusters are going to be active during this mode so that they can provide speed boost.
    This ability would be activated by double tapping left\right, similar to dash tech and work more like new sprint tech in nightly builds.
    Lastly it could have some sort of damage trigger at the front of the shield, similar to glitch horse riders, with continous damage in mind.

    Another sidechange is grenade launcher, swap it for homing rocket barrage ability, there's quite a lot of mechs already that use grenades. (shockhopper mk1 got similar rocket barrage ability if not mistaken)
    Before firing, it would acquire nearby mobs as targets and then release the rocket swarm.

    Alternatively you could completely change the looks of theta mech and make some sort of elite version with abilities listed above.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
    LoPhatKao likes this.
  5. Stafath

    Stafath Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I didn't quite like the fact that the Elite Sigma's color scheme and functions didn't fit for the Avikan race quite as well... so I did a re-paint today:

    Also removed the default mech's paintjob(s) to make it in uniform blue color. Don't ask why, I like things in monochrome.

    Here's more of the Avikan Elite Sigma edition: http://imgur.com/a/eeXeN

    EDIT: Whoops, one of the legs I managed to color in a darker hue. That and the side should be tad brighter. Nevermind me just something I can at least fix. It's just one of the legs and the body's side that I need to re-re-paint.

    EDIT2: There! Color fix:
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
    Mackinz likes this.
  6. Ethanator09

    Ethanator09 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey Cool Mod But I got both sigma mechs and when I fire with them they stop working and wont move how do I fix this?
  7. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    You wait for 1.0 to be updated and hope the mod is fixed or updated. If not, toss the mod and live without it :p It won't be long now anyway...
  8. Ethanator09

    Ethanator09 Void-Bound Voyager

    K and it better be soon or else... or else... OR ELSE I WILL MAKE A SEQUAL TO FOODFIGHT. There that seems bad enough, right?
  9. DeathBot2016

    DeathBot2016 Void-Bound Voyager

    LoPhatKao likes this.
  10. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    yes i am updating this
    yes it will be soon (maybe even today)
    no i never did do the cryo mech

    uhmmm thanks?!!
  11. DeathBot2016

    DeathBot2016 Void-Bound Voyager

    you wanted the files.
  12. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    grabbed em thanks :D
    DeathBot2016 likes this.
  13. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    LoPhatKao updated XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition with a new update entry:

    Cheerful Unstable

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. DeathBot2016

    DeathBot2016 Void-Bound Voyager

    Neato, will you add it? :party:
  15. SlimeRancher44

    SlimeRancher44 Space Hobo

    whenever im in the mechs the game keeps having fatal errors
  16. Syfe_Fireshard

    Syfe_Fireshard Pangalactic Porcupine

    looking into this it seems to be your xsm_mechdamage.lua file creating the error, it happens whenever a mech takes damage and the "applyDamage" function is called. kinda hard to play around, even if on a lifeless planet you run the risk of damaging yourself with your weapons. I'd hope this can be fixed soon, been super hyped over this mod's re-release. I sadly dont know lua scripting so i cant mend the error myself

    function applyDamage(damageRequest)
      local damage = 0
      if damageRequest.damageType == "Damage" or damageRequest.damageType == "IgnoresDef" then
        damage = damage + root.evalFunction2("protection", damageRequest.damage, self.protection)
      elseif damageRequest.damageType == "IgnoresDef" then
        damage = damage + damageRequest.damage
      if damage > 0 then
        storage.health = storage.health - damage
      if vehicle.getParameter then
      return {{
        sourceEntityId = damageRequest.sourceEntityId,
        targetEntityId = entity.id(),
        position = mcontroller.position(),
        damageDealt = damage,
        hitType = "Hit",
        damageSourceKind = damageRequest.damageSourceKind,
        targetMaterialKind = self.materialKind,
        killed = storage.health <= 0
      return {{
        sourceEntityId = damageRequest.sourceEntityId,
        targetEntityId = entity.id(),
        position = mcontroller.position(),
        damageDealt = damage,
        healthLost = damage,
        hitType = "Hit",
        damageSourceKind = damageRequest.damageSourceKind,
        targetMaterialKind = self.materialKind,
        killed = storage.health <= 0
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  17. wrentrillogy

    wrentrillogy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    May I use this in my modpack for friends only I host a private server. Please, thanks for your time :)
  18. EdmundDuke

    EdmundDuke Tentacle Wrangler

    Woohoo, this gonna be added to the Steam Workshop? :D
  19. Kaldgord

    Kaldgord Void-Bound Voyager

    Any news on version 1.0 ?
  20. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Guys. Seriously. If yer going to ask about Workshop, look at Workshop first! Geeze! The XS Mechs was one of the first mods added to it for 1.0!

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