I've been thinking about this whole pet thing... I love it. The vast randomness of it all is just gonna be amazing. However, I've got an idea I thought you all should know about. Each race could have a different type of "pet" they could create. Humans/Robots/Glitches could build little robots; not humanoid robots, but robots that're based on each "stat". For example, a big, slow, defensed based robot could be like a fat little tank, little robot with a jetpack for speed, a tall, slender robot on wheels for attack, etc. Avians/Florians could build golems, since they're more tribal. They could be made out of clay, wood, stone, or even iron; and the material could choose what stat it's based on (Wood for speed, stone for attack, Iron for defense, etc) Can't really think of anything for the Hylotl... Then again, we don't really know much about them to start with. There'd probably be a limit to one built-pet per character, since it'd be kinda overpowered if you could just choose three of whatever the hell you want. I'd appreciate any responses and stuff like that. Maybe tell me if it's a neat idea or not, I dunno.
I like the idea of making robotic pets; however, the golemancy sounds a bit more on the side of magic for what the devs are wanting, still a cool idea. I'd like the robotic pets to be up-gradable, since nothing bests a little walking chibi nuke, right?
I'd think the Hylotl could have golems or minions. Coral golems. Is it bad I thought of a little chibi robot with a nuke on its back?
huh.. the Glitch are traveling the stars ? I believe they are advanced enough thank you. I didn't read too much of their backstory but from what I gathered, either only the homeworld is stuck in the medieval age and those "deffective" glitch who fled dont have such a restriction OR the medieval thing only mean that they have a feudal system and they are stuck with a chivalry mindset but are actually advanced. The thing is, for them to build a robot is like making a children for them, so I doubt they would build an inferior being in the same way this would just be weird to them. At least that is how I see it.
Altough, I just remembered that first newsletter that we got... and I remember seeing in it a Floran reading with a sort of robot eye-ball floating next to her shoulder. I see this as being either a piece of equipement or a pet.
The Glitch build more of their species to reproduce. I think if they can rebuild a bipedal, self aware being, they can make a simple little robot to attack animals.