Sadly I possess none of the magical art skills many of the other great monster-makers have, so anyone who managed so survive the ultra-crit level wall of text below will just have to use their imaginations to picture the horrors locked within this post. Examples are courtesy of random number picks by various IRC members! Creature: The Seekers - A race of creatures that fled the galaxy ages ago, leaving behind many in-progress experiments. Recent activity has drawn their attention once more to the realm of the universe you're in, in hopes for a better and brighter future for themselves. - The majority of the Seeker race hides out on a series of Worldships, the ultimate technological advancement on the part of the Seekers at the height of their development. The Seekers seen throughout the galaxy are either leftover mutations/experiments, Seeker Renegades who wish to carve their own name into the universe, or Seeker Hive-Scouts looking for possible new races to add to their.. collection. Origin: The Seekers were born as a strange microscopic organism on the primordial world of Vraekka IV. Originally recovered during one of the early Vraekkan Expeditions in the early days of space travel, the creatures were unremarkable at best. Lab experiments showed them to have rather short lifespans, no strong defense mechanisms, and no real traces of anything that might be chemically useful to the advancement of Vraekkan technology. However, when added to a large sample group of other similarly sized microscopic creatures as a sort of disposal experiment, something remarkable happened. The remaining Seekers ganged up on a larger creature, adapting itself into the creature. The creature began to change its behavior greatly as its chemical and genetic makeup was vastly altered. With control over the larger creature, it began to hunt and consume the other smaller creatures, before reproducing. Several more of the smaller original Seekers were born from the large one, and they quickly latched on to other creatures, using their first, larger construct as their prime method of defense and growth. Soon enough, the original died, but new Seekers born adapted some of the defensive abilities of the dead creature. So the pattern continued until the only thing that existed in the disposal unit were the now heavily adapted and modified Seekers. The samples were secured and brought to other experimental zones. Without pause, the creatures sought out new genetic material and controlled the new creatures in order to secure their new genetic 'caches', so to speak. And so this tendency earned them the name "The Seekers". It didn't take long before this interesting little experiment would become dangerous. With every larger creature assimilated, stored, and then passed, the Seekers grew large pools of genetic material for use when spawning new Seekers. They seemed acutely aware of their environment and would adapt the genetic traits most suited for whatever they were being tested against. The Seekers changed suddenly from an interesting experiment into a deadly biological weapon - they could be deployed on any world and would adapt to their surroundings. Given the right training and direction, they would be the tool the Vraekkans used to conquer their entire solar system, among others. And so they did just that. Using advancing interstellar travel technology, the Vraekkans launched "Seeker Pods" - partly mechanized, partly organic missiles that impacted target worlds and released Seeker spores into the air. The spores would latch onto nearby plantlife, then be consumed by various animals and humanoids on the planet. Within a few days the creatures would begin to show signs of mutation - muscles growing in massive bursts, bone structure changing, weaponized tentacles, tails, and barbs showing up over the skin. When the creatures on the world reacted to their changing family members - usually hostily- the Seekers would respond in turn, assaulting anything that happened to get in the way of their progress. Upon creature death, more Seekers would be born from within the dead creature, and pour out to find more genetic material to adapt. Once the planet was scoured of life, the Vraekkans would send in a recovery team, exterminate the excess Seekers, collect Seeker samples for study and adaptation purposes, and begin colonization of the planet. This went on for hundreds of years, with the Seekers seemingly either unable to overthrow their masters, or simply just enjoying the ride. The DNA pool grew rapidly over the years, allowing the Seekers to pick and choose from the best traits in the galaxy. While the Vraekkans grew every more powerful, their pet weapon grew far beyond what they knew it once to be. The first mistake the Vraekkans made was weaponizing the Seekers instead of outright destroying them. The last mistake they made was when they sent in an exterminator drone to destroy the remaining Seeker samples when they decided to move to more traditional and efficient means of interstellar warfare. The Seeker colonies latched onto the robot, adapting to the circuitry and programming with disturbing ease. In control of the drone, they destroyed their former habitat, and went about their regular duties. The drone had a built in sample-cleaning program that was meant to run after exterminating a target creature colony, to ensure there was no cross-contamination of other samples in the future. The Seekers disabled this, and the Vraekkans never knew. The Seekers maintained control of the drone, performing regular duties as small subcolonies broke off and infested various food sources in the Seeker Study Lab. Before long, the entire lab was infected. Clothing worn from the lab to households was also infected - households then infected. It didn't take long before one escaped colony had grown into a worldwide invisible blanket. Yet the Seekers didn't act - they remained invisible. They latched onto their hosts and waited. Mutations didn't kick in. Over the course of around fifty years, the Seekers remained silent, seemingly exterminated as the Vraekkans had wanted. The colonies eventually arrived on every world captured by their master race, and soon after, immediately set to work changing the Vraekkans forever, overnight. While the Seekers could not communicate at extreme distances, they maintained short-distance telepathic communication links, allowing communications to be transferred planetarily. However, they had no natural means of communicating at an interstellar level biologically. Using their newfound ability to adapt to and control technology, they gained control of communication satellites and used them to transmit signals at great distances. Finally, when all the pieces were in place, they activated. Over the course of one night, over ninety percent of the Vraekkan population completely changed. They grew poisonous barbs, slippery, slick skin. Their muscles grew, their bodies toned, their forms changed forever. They were no longer the Vraekkans; the Seekers were no longer tiny little microscopic colonies. They were a humanoid race - a strong one, with a massive population. The entirety of Vraekkan cybernetic forces were Seeker controlled as well, and the remaining Vraekkans were quickly exterminated. And so was born the Seeker race. Advancement and Collapse: Over the course of the next several thousand years, the Seekers began to learn more and more about the universe around them. They sought out new races learn from, to absorb into their gene pool, and to grow as a race. They were nearly unstoppable - while it was easy to gun one down, most didn't understand that the heart of the problem was the microscopic spores the dead Seekers spawned upon death. These would latch onto nearby plants and animals, searching for suitable hosts to infect and control. A few races learned how to fight the Seekers, but as soon as they perceived the threat, the Seekers mobilized the full strength of their armies to destroy the offensive upstart race. As they scoured the galaxy, they picked up new technology, new ways of thinking, new genetic material, and an infinite pool of new knowledge. The Seekers built vast warfleets, easily overpowering races and consuming everything in their path. There was nothing out there that could stop this menace, and their progress continued unabated for millenia. Word caught around however, and one race began to watch and follow the Seekers' progress. They captured samples to study, to work on. Over time, they concocted a virus that would, at least, stop the sporing ability of the Seekers, and, at best, wipe them out entirely. The virus was deployed in a similar manner to how the Seekers originally took over the Vraekkan race. Slowly the virus began to attach itself and reproduce within the Seekers themselves. As quickly as the Seekers became a race, they suddenly lost their greatest weapon - the ability to collect DNA into themselves and use for adaptation. They retreated from the many worlds they had conquered and infected, leaving scoured, lifeless planets for systems upon systems. They devised several experiments to find some way of adapting without the use of their own genetic pools and spore-adaptation techniques. They devised chemical formulae that would terraform worlds for them, and genetically alter life-forms on the planet to match Seeker-racial-type profiles. They set out and captured many pocket worlds, subjecting unsuspecting cultures to their sick form of mutation. The initial reports weren't promising. Terraforming could take fifty or more years, and while the Seekers had no shortage of firepower, the sudden loss of what made them who they were was devastating to their race-wide morale. Other races banded together to attack them at various locations, pushing them out of their remaining occupied systems. Terraforming projects were abandoned to the automated robotic workers, and other research worlds were set to full automation. Back on their homeworld of Vraekka IV, the Seekers hoped to gain some knowledge of what happened to their greatest power. As their fleet ships arrived and many of the Seekers landed on-planet, the trap was sprung - the nearby star's core was destabilized, causing it to burst rapidly in a brilliant supernova, obliterating the Vraekkan system and everything on it. This left small, disjointed pockets of Seekers all around the Galaxy. What was left of the Seekers banded together on a series of Seeker Worldships - large planets augmented with intergalactic travel engines capable of harnessing warp technology. In a last act of vengeance, they collapsed a star near an enemy fleet, swallowing it up and allowing the World Ships to jump out of known space forever. Presence in Game: 4 Types of Seekers show up in game: Seeker Mutant, Seeker Renegade, Seeker Hive-Scout, and Seeker Monstrosity. Seeker Mutant: Datalog: Leftover creatures from when the Seekers fled the galaxy, these are the chemical abominations created when the Seekers could no longer reproduce by their own means. Utilizing a mix of cybernetics, chemical induced mutation, virulent mutation, and forced evolution, the Seekers produced many creatures that they had hoped would be the light of their future. Information: Seeker Mutants are humanoids that were subjected to the Seekers' death throes. They are shaped in the image of their tormentors, and adapted a number of various bits of Seeker DNA to form different biochemical weapons. These creatures can go from looking like a sickly humanoid to a tentacle bound laser-rifle wielding menace. Spawning Patterns: This is a moderate difficulty enemy. Typically, these will show up as a creature type allocated to a planet. They favor tentacle-type planets, or plants with strange alien atmospheres. They tend to enjoy flocking to eachother, making it so 2 or 3 might spawn at a time to fight together. Behavior: These creatures will mill about unless there are other creatures on the screen. They are extremely hostile and will engage and fight to kill immediately, starting with any ranged attack they might have, then diving into melee, regardless of their abilities. Head Types: -1: Slightly Mutated: A slightly mutated humanoid face. Somewhat discolored. Adds a low amount of health to the monster. [+HP] -2: Slightly Mutated + Cybernetics: A slightly mutated humanoid face covered in cybernetic implants. Increased health and intelligence. [++HP|+Intelligence] -3: Moderately Mutated: A moderately mutated humanoid face, no visible hair, extra eyes, discolored skin, and a few tendrils from the face. Adds moderate health but decreases intelligence/reactions. [++HP| - Intelligence | - Reactions] -4: Moderately Mutated + Cybernetics: A moderately mutated humanoid face as above, but half the face is covered in metal and cybernetic implants. Increased accuracy/damage/health. [+HP|+Damage|+Accuracy] -5: Heavily mutated: Heavily mutated, tendrils sprouting from skull and jawline. Several extra eyes. Grants the ability to spit acid at a target. Adds a low amount of health but decreases armor. (Acid Spit lowers the armor of any target it hits and does periodic damage over 6 seconds) [+HP|-Armor|+Acid Spit] -6: Heavily Mutated+Cybernetics: As above, but with a cybernetic skull covering half the head. Grants the ability to fire a head-mounted laser. Increased health and accuracy. [++HP|+Accuracy|+Head Mounted Laser] -7: Cybernetic Head: A completely cybernetic head. Increased health, armor, and accuracy. [+++HP|++Armor|+Accuracy] Body Types: -1: Slightly Mutated: Slightly torn/untorn clothing, sickly yellow/green skintone. Moderate health. [Moderate Base HP|Low Base Armor] -2: Slightly Mutated+Cybernetics: Slightly torn clothing, bits of metal cybernetics adorning the shoulders and chest. Moderate health + extra armor. [Moderate Base HP|Moderate Base Armor] -3: Moderately Mutated: Torn clothing, greenish skintone. Small tendrils sprouting from back and shoulders. Moderate health. [Moderate Base HP|Low Base Armor] -4: Moderately Mutated + Cybernetics: Torn clothing, torn spots reveal metal underneath. Small tendrils from shoulders, LEDs and indicators across the chest. Moderate health + extra armor + increased speed. [Moderate Base HP| Moderate Base Armor | + Speed] -5: Heavily Mutated: No clothing, tendrils growing out from across the chest, shoulders, and back. Grants the ability to use the tentacle lash ability (Lashes out and grabs an enemy, bringing them into melee range.). Moderate health, low armor. [Moderate Base HP|Low Base Armor|+Tentacle Lash] -6: Heavily Cybernetic: Metallic chest with clear container in the middle filled with floating organs and liquids. Low HP, increased speed, grants health regeneration. [Low Base HP|Moderate Base Armor|+Speed|+Health Regeneration] Arm Types: -1: normal left, normal right: Slightly sickly yellow/green skin color on both arms. Grants punch ability. [+Punch] -2: Mutated left, normal right: Left arm is incredibly muscular. Grants arm block shield ability (Able to use arm as a shield). [+Arm Block] -3: normal left, Mutated right: Right arm is incredibly muscular. Grants bash ability (Heavy punch that has a knockback). [+Bash] -4: Cybernetic left, normal right: Plasma rifle built into left arm. Grants plasma bolt ability (Ranged attack). [+Plasma Bolt] -5: normal left, Cybernetic right: Shield generator built into right hand. Grants Energy shield ability (Able to enclose the mutant in a ball of energy, acting as a shield for 5 seconds) [+Shield Generator] -6: Mutated left, Cybernetic Right: Arm block and Shield generator. Very defensive! [+Arm Block|+Shield Generator] -7: Mutated left, Mutated Right: Arm Block and Bash. [+Arm Block|+Bash] -8: Cybernetic left, Mutated Right: Plasma Bolt and Bash. [+Plasma Bolt|+Bash] -9: Cybernetic left, Cybernetic Right: Plasma Bolt and Shield Generator. [+Plasma Bolt|+Shield Generator] Leg Types: -1: Normal: Two legs, torn hole in one pantleg, slightly sickly skin. -2: Slightly mutated: Three legs, moves slower than normal but immune to knockbacks. [-Speed|+Knockback Immune] -3: Heavily mutated: Tentacle mass instead of legs, moves very slowly but immune to knockbacks and increases HP. Leaves a trail of slime on the ground for a few seconds that deals damage to anyone that steps on it. [---Speed|+Knockback Immune|+Slime Trail] -4: Cybernetic: Robotic legs that allow the mutant to move at great speeds. Increased speed. [++Speed] Total variations: 1512 Example: | Head 6 | Body 6 | Arms 4 | Legs 3 | Base Health: Low Base Armor: Moderate Abilities: - Head mounted laser - Plasma bolt - Knockback Immune - Slime Trail - Health Regeneration Bonuses: - HP: + + - Accuracy: + - Speed: + Deficits: - Speed: - - - Seeker Renegade: Datalog: This creature appears to be a hybrid of several different races in classic Seeker fashion. However, it appears more naturally adapted than mutation - this is likely the result of a rare intermingling of species. Information: Seekers that snuck off to their own private sections of the galaxy then attempted to intermingle with other races became the Seeker Renegades. While their Seeker master race bretheren believed traditional breeding to be a flawed mechanism, the Renegades saw it as the only hope for their race to continue. Reproduction might be flawed, but at least their genetic material was properly carried from generation to generation. Spawning Patterns: Seeker Renegades can show up on any world at any given moment, typically in a group of 1-5, but they do not "occupy" any planets, per-se. They are small families of creatures that prefer to keep mobile as they aren't often accepted into mainstream societies. Behavior: Behavior patterns are randomized - there is an equal chance for this creature to be hostile, neutral, or friendly. Hostile versions will engage based on their weaponry - ones with melee will charge in to attack, ducking down to allow Seekers at range to fire their weapons. If seriously injured, they will attempt to retreat to the back of their pack. If they spawn neutral, they'll interact with the player by walking up and saying hello or other minor flavor text periodically. They'll continue to wander the planet, occasionally killing a creature here or there for food or supplies. Friendly ones will actively track down the player on the planet periodically, offering to trade and the like. Attacking a friendly Renegade will turn them neutral, and attacking a neutral one turns them hostile. Head Types: - 1: Seeker Civilian Head: A light greenish skin, a sickly hue to the flesh. Small tendrils adorn the mouth and the top of the head is ridged but bald. Natural Seeker vitality grants improved health. [+HP] - 2: Seeker Hunter Head: A dark greenish skin with a military style helmet. Tentacles coming from the face and jaw line, able to use the Acid Spit attack on enemies to do light damage and decrease their armor. [++HP][+Armor][+Acid Spit] - 3: Seeker Cybernetic Head: Dark Greenish Skin with half the face covered in a metal plate. A laser sighter on the side of the head increases the accuracy of all attacks, increasing their damage. [+Armor][+HP][+Damage] - 4: Steelskin Head: A round, bald, grey head with a fin coming from the top of the skull. Set jaw and deep black eyes. Increases armor and hit points but slows movement speed. [+Armor][++HP][-Speed] - 5: Starwalker Head: Dark blue, with glowing yellow eyes and whispy white hair. The eyes emit light, making this creature easier to see in the darkness/creating a small pool of light around it. It also increases the deadly efficiency of the creature, but makes it more vulnerable to damage. [-Armor][-HP][+Light Radius][+damage] - 6: Venomspine Head: A dark green skin with three fins sticking up from the top of the head, along with a series of barbs. When struck with a ranged attack, the fins will flick deadly poison barbs at the attacker. [+HP][+Barb Shot] - 7: Blazwyrm Head: A lizard-like head adorned in deep red scales. This creature is able to spit up small fireballs at its enemies. [+HP][+Flame spit] Body Types: - 1: Seeker Civilian Body: A basic Seeker body, light tendrils coming from the shoulders. Blue jumpsuit. Skin is a light greenish color. Light armor grants increased speed. [Low HP][Low Armor][+Speed] - 2: Seeker Hunter Armor: Built to be a natural soldier, dark grey body armor over greenish flesh, adorned with green tentacles coming from the creature's back. [Moderate HP][Moderate Armor][+Tentacle Lash] - 3: Seeker Cybernetic Armor: Dark Green skin covered in black metallic armor with blinking lights and indicators. Grants enhances speed, protection, and a charger pack on the back increases damage dealt. [High HP][High Armor][+Speed][+Damage] - 4: Steelskin Bodysuit: Light grey flesh, with black body armor, and a grey fin coming out of the creature's back. This skin is naturally very thick, but heavy, making the creature slower. [High HP][High Armor][-Speed] - 5: Starwalker Body: Dark blue flesh with flecks of white and yellow inside the skin. Incredibly lightweight, granting enhanced speed, as well as the ability to phase out of existence for a second and reappear nearby. [Low HP][Low Armor][++Speed][+Blink] - 6: Venomspine Carapace: Dark Green flesh with lighter green patches, slimy appearance. Poisonous barbs jut out from the creature's body, damaging any would-be attackers. [Moderate HP][Moderate Armor][+Venom Barb] - 7: Blazwyrm Body: Dark red scales adorn the body of this creature with a tan underbelly. Large red wings are folded on the back, and unfold to grant this creature flight! [Moderate HP][High Armor][+Flight] Arms Types: - 1: Seeker Civilian Arms: Sickly light green arms with tan splotches. Light ridges or tendrils along the muscles. Armed with a laser pistol that fires fairly quickly but doesn't do tons of damage. [+Laser Pistol] - 2: Seeker Rifleman Arms: Deeper green arms with dark green veins. Small tendrils adorn the arms and ridges. Armed with a laser rifle that is more accurate than a laser pistol, fires a little slower, but does more damage. [+Laser Rifle] - 3: Seeker Hunter Arms: Deeper Green Arms with dark green veins and tentacles hanging off the arms. Armed with dual plasma pistols, which fire quickly for moderate damage. [+Plasma Pistols] - 4: Seeker Cyber Arms: Deep Green arms with mechanical attachments, wiring, indicators and plating covering them. Armed with a plasma rifle and a wrist-mounted missile launcher. [+Plasma Rifle][+Wrist Rockets] - 5: Hybrid Steelskin Bruisers: Large, muscular grey arms with ridges and fins along the edges. Armed with a giant Hypersteel club that cannot be stopped with shields. [+Hypersteel Club] - 6: Hybrid Steelskin Guardians: Large muscular grey arms with firmer ridges. Armed with a Hypersteel kite shield and a vibrosword. [+Hypersteel Kite Shield][+Vibrosword] - 7: Hybrid Starwalker Voidrippers: Two deep blue arms with flecks of color floating amidst the night-sky like scene within the skin. Two long, obsidian blades extend from the wrists outwards, that can be combined to block attacks, or used for rapid, deadly slices. [+Void Blades][+Void Block] - 8: Hybrid Venomspine Claws: Thick light green arms that end in two pairs of razor sharp claws. Grants the Vicious Slashes ability, where the creature jumps towards a nearby target and claws them for moderate damage, leaving a bleed effect on the character. [+Vicious Slashes] - 9: Blazwyrm Scaleguards: Red scales that grow out from the arm in a form of a circular shield with a barbed point. Blocks incoming attacks while dealing damage to the attacker. [+Spire Shields] - 10: Blazwyrm Pyroclaws: Red scales adorn the arms that hold a wrist-mounted incendiary rocket launcher. Deals heavy damage and leaves a patch of fire on the ground. Wing-like protrusions from the arms grant the ability to hover a few blocks in the air. [+Inferno Rocket][+Hovering] Legs Types: - 1: Seeker Civilian Legs: Blue pants over sickly greenish yellow skin. Small tendrils near the feet. Grants increased speed. [+Speed] - 2: Seeker Cybernetic Legs: Black metallic armor with LED indicators over robotic feet. Increases running speed greatly. [++Speed] - 3: Steelskin Groundpounders: Thick, grey legs with fins near the feet. Increases water movement but slows speed on land. Increases armor. [+Armor][-Speed][+Swim] - 4: Venomspine Diggers: Sharp claws tipped at the bottom of slimy looking light green skin. Allows the creature to burrow into the ground if needed for defense. [+Burrowing] - 5: Starwalker Mystpathers: Deep blue leggings covered in sparkling white and yellow lights. Grants the ability to hover slightly above the ground, and increases speed. [+Hovering][+Speed] - 6: Blazwyrm Talons: Scaled red leggings ending in a pair of black talons. Increases the jump height of the creature and allows it to perform a Death-From-Above claw attack in the air. [+Jump Height][+Death From Above Claws] - 7: Seeker Impaler Tentacles: A writhing mass of deep green tentacles, which slows movement greatly, but grants the impale ability, allowing the creature to sometimes shoot tentacles under the ground to stab upwards at a standing target. [---Speed][+Impale] Total Variations: 3430 Example: | Head 3 | Body 5 | Arms 7 | Legs 6 | Base Health: Low Base Armor: Low Abilities: - Blink - Void Blades - Void Block - Death From Above Bonuses: - HP: + - Speed: + - Damage: + + - Armor: + - Jump Height: + Deficits: None! Seeker Hive-Scout: Datalog: Pureblood Seekers are a rare sight in the galaxy indeed. Where this one came from and what it was doing is an absolute mystery - they vanished in long ages past. Equipment on the creature indicates that this was some form of scout or information gatherer. Information: Over the countless ages they spent in seclusion, they continued to gather information from their automated terraforming sites. However, they still required more information that couldn't be provided with their limited resources. Having given in to natural humanoid forms of reproduction, the Seekers are now a true sentient humanoid race - as such, they've been able to reproduce over the years once more, and are now looking to see what the galaxy has to offer after all this time - whether for conquest or for diplomacy, who can say? Spawning Patterns: Scouts spawn at random, on random intervals, on moderate threat worlds. They come at most 3 on a world and are typically spread out, scanning and exploring the planet. Behavior: These creatures are neutral by default, and will walk up and use a scanner on the player as if gathering data, before moving on. If engaged, they will either retreat back to firing range, or lunge forward to melee range, based on their abilities. Killing one can sometimes yield a datalog of a random alien creature. Head Types: 1: Seeker Scouter Head: A green head with thick tentacles for hair, yellow eyes, and a cybernetic scouting device over one eye. Increases awareness, but decreases speed as the creature acts more cautiously when moving. [+Awareness][-Speed] 2: Seeker Sighter Head: A green head with thinner tentacles for hair, yellow eyes covered up by a pair of cybernetic laser sighters.. Increases damage dealt. [+Damage] 3: Seeker Surveyor Head: A green head wearing a cowboy hat. Small tendrils coming from its mouth area, draping over the lips. Increased hit points. [+HP] 4: Seeker Nightwatcher Head: A Cybernetic cap covers the head, with a lighting device acting as a flashlight at above the eyes. Increases armor and gives the creature the Flashlight ability. [+Armor][+Flashlight] Body Types: 1: Seeker Lightweight Armor: A light blue jacket that provides little armor or protection, but increases mobility. [Low HP][Low Armor][+Speed] 2: Seeker Scientist Garb: A white labcoat that extends in a cloak off the back of the body. All kinds of vials and such are strapped to the belt. Loaded up on chemicals, increasing hit points, speed, and damage, but giving no armor. [Moderate HP][No Armor][+Speed][+Damage] 3: Seeker StealthTech Equipment: Equipment made for stealth and silence. Decreases movement speed, provides decent protection, but grants the ability to remain invisible until damaged. Will remain visible until the creature has no need to be aggressive (IE, no more hostile targets nearby) [Moderate HP][Moderate Armor][--Speed][+Stealth] 4: Seeker Cyber-Tech Armor: Armor made with augmented nanotechnology. Grants health regeneration and great protection at the cost of a bit of speed. Supercharger pack on the back increases damage. [High HP][High Armor][-Speed][+Damage][+Health Regeneration] Arm Types: All arms are a moderate green color with small tendrils. Equipment differs, giving the different options. 1: Left: Nothing | Right: Vibrosword: Holding nothing in the left hand, but holding a vibrosword in the right. Grants the vibrosword slash ability. This is a moderate damage melee attack. [+Vibrosword Slash] 2: Left: Nothing | Right: Plasma Pistol: Holding nothing in the left hand, but holding a plasma pistol in the right. Plasma pistol is a sub-moderate ranged attack that fires fairly quickly. Prefers to try to stay at range. [+Plasma Pistol] 3: Left: Nothing | Right: Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Holding nothing in the left hand, but the right arm has a wrist-mounted mini-flamethrower on it. Grants the Pyrobeam attack, which is a small beam that creates a flame on impact. Causes the target to burn over 4 seconds and deals light damage rapidly. [+Pyrobeam] 4: Left: Shield | Right: Vibrosword: Holding a small round energy shield in the left hand for protection, and using a vibrosword in the right hand. Alternates between blocking attacks and closing to melee range to slash. [+Block][+Vibrosword Slash] 5: Left: Shield | Right: Plasma Pistol: Holding a small round energy shield in the left hand, and using a plasma pistol in the right. Tries to stay at range, alternates between firing off a shot or two and hiding behind its shield. [+Block][+Plasma Pistol] 6: Left: Shield | Right: Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Holding a small round energy shield in the left hand, and wrist-mounted mini flamethrower in the other. Prefers to stand its ground when engaged, alternating between shielding itself and focus-firing its wrist-beam. [+Block][+Pyrobeam] 7: Left: Flare | Right: Vibrosword: Holding a light flare, which gives off a short radius of light (Even when stealthed!) and using a vibrosword to attack. [+Light Radius][+Vibrosword Slash] 8: Left: Flare | Right: Plasma Pistol: Holding a light flare, which gives off a short radius of light. When engages in combat, it will throw the light flare at an enemy, sticking the flare to the enemy for 30 seconds. The creature will gain a new flare after 30 seconds. Prefers to stick at range and use the flare to spot the enemy to fire its plasma pistol. [+Sticky Flare][+Plasma Pistol] 9: Left: Flare | Right: Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Holding a flare in one hand and using the pyrobeam in the other. Gives off light and prefers to stand still and melt the face of any opponent. [+Light Radius][+Pyrobeam] 10: Left: Laser Pistol| Right: Vibrosword: Dual wielding a laser pistol, which fires fairly rapidly but deals light damage, in the left hand, and a sword in the right. Fires the pistol when at range, switches to the sword when in melee. [+Laser Pistol][+Vibrosword Slash] 11: Left: Laser Pistol | Right: Plasma Pistol: Dual wielding a laser pistol and a plasma pistol. Prefers to stick at range, even run-and-gunning with both pistols, alternating shots between them rapidly. [+Laser Pistol][+Plasma Pistol] 12: Left: Laser Pistol | Right: Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Using a laser pistol in one hand and a pyrobeam on the other. Uses the pistol at long range, but switches to the pyrobeam at medium and short range. [+Laser Pistol][+Pyrobeam] 13: Left: Scanner | Right: Vibrosword: Using a scanner in one hand and a vibrosword in the other. Tries to use the scanner before attacking - scanning a target increases the damage that target takes from any attacks the Seeker makes. [+Bioscan][+Vibrosword Slash] 14: Left: Scanner | Right: Plasma Pistol: Holding a scanner in one hand and a plasma pistol in the other. Attempts to scan an enemy before attacking it, prefers to remain at ranged distance if possible. [+Bioscan][+Plasma Pistol] 15: Left: Scanner| Right: Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Holding a scanner in one hand and a pyrobeam in the other. Prefers to remain stationary when fighting. [+Bioscan][+Pyrobeam] 16: Left: Vibroknife | Right: Vibrosword: Holding a Vibroknife in one hand and a Vibrosword in the other. Alternates Vibroknife Stabs between Slashes. [+Vibroknife Stab][+Vibrosword Slash] 17: Left: Vibroknife | Right: Plasma Pistol: Holding a Vibroknife in one hand and a Plasma pistol in the other. Uses the plasma pistol at ranged distances, but switches to stabbing a target if they get too close. [+Vibroknife Stab][+Plasma Pistol] 18: Left: Vibroknife | Wrist-Mounted Pyrobeam: Holding a vibroknife in one hand and using the pyrobeam in the other. Will close to melee range and burn targets while trying to stab them. [+Vibroknife Stab][+Pyrobeam] 19: Both arms occupied - Plasma Rifle: Holding a plasma rifle in both hands. Fires at a moderate pace, dealing moderate to heavy damage. [+Plasma Rifle] 20: Both arms occupied - Vibrogreatsword: Holding a big ol' Vibro-Greatsword in both hands. Moves slower, and attacks cannot be blocked and add a knockback, and hit fairly hard. [+Vibro Greatsword Chop][-Speed] Leg Types: 1: Seeker Groundpounders: Light blue armor that is lightweight and provides a little extra movement speed. [+Speed] 2: Seeker Sneakers: Black armor with silenced boots. Doesn't make any noise when it moves, and prefers to stick to the darkness. Increases speed while stealthed. [+Silence][+Stealth Speed] 3: Seeker Scoutrunners: Black armor with metal implants on the knees. Increases speed and armor slightly. [+Speed][+Armor] Total Variations: 960 Example: | Head 4 | Body 3 | Arms 17 | Legs 2| Base HP: Moderate Base Armor: Moderate Abilities: + Flashlight + Stealth + Vibroknife Stab + Plasma Pistol + Movement Silence Bonuses: - Armor: + - Stealth Speed: + Deficits: - Speed: - - Seeker Monstrosity: Datalog: What happens when you abduct a creature from a planet, subject it to horrible experiments, bathe it in chemicals and adopt cybernetics and nonotechnology into its structure, then leave it for hundreds of thousands of years? This guy! Information: This is a hulking boss-type abomination. Part of the experiments the Seekers started to protect their future, then later left behind, this horrid creature was subjected to the automated research procedures long after the Seekers were gone. One base malfunction and this thing escaped. And it's angry. And huge. And mutated. And possibly on fire. WHO KNOWS. This is a creature you don't want to encounter alone, because it will rip your face off. Then eat it. Or something. Spawning Patterns: This creature spawns very rarely on very high threat worlds. One spawns at a time. Behavior: When this creature is present on the world, a low growling noise can be heard at all times. While inactive it typically wanders the terrain, absolutely obliterating anything it finds - plantlife, animal life, sentient life, you name it. The creature is considered engaged as soon as it sees you - meaning you can sneak up behind it and get the first attack in if need be. They're typically large, tall creatures. They cycle through their available abilities every few seconds, and the more arms available, the more often it picks an ability to use. Instant cast ranged attacks are the most common, followed by charged ranged attacks, followed by melee. Melee preference increases if there's a hostile creature standing by the beast's foot. This is a boss type monster - and mechanics and strategies would vary by the types of parts this creature would recieve at spawning. Creature Creation: This is far more complex than any of the above listed creatures. Each Monstrosity has the following body part slots: Body, Chest Augmentation, Shoulder Augmentation, Head, Arms, Legs. The big difference here is that the body type is selected first, which decides how many slots the creature will have. It also determines the base health of the creature, and its spawning habits. For example, a Cleaver body type comes with 1 shoulder augmentation, 1 chest augmentation, 1 arm, 2 legs, and 1 head. It will only spawn on servers where there are only 1 or 2 players online. It's the easiest of all the monstrosities - as opposed to the Mega-Centaur. The Mega-Centaur spawns when 10 or more players are active. It has 2 head slots, 2 shoulder slots, 2 chest slots, 6 arms, and 6 legs. It has an incredible amount of health, and is the most involved and deadly of all the different monstrosity types. Body Types: 8 Types 1: Cleaver: Looks like a giant but with one arm cut off, and one half of the upper body looks fairly degenerated. Exists as the basic level of this monster and offers the least loot/currency rewards. Minimum players to spawn: 1 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 3 Base Hit Points: Boss/Low Base Armor: Boss/Low Movement Speed: Normal Head Slots: 1 Shoulder Slots: 1 Chest Slots: 1 Arm Slots: 1 Leg Slots: 2 Total possible combinations for this type: 70,560 2: Giant: Similar to the above, but the upper body is fully functional. This is a basic but more dangerous form of the boss, granting it additional weaponry and equipment and making it a more fearsome foe. This is the most common form of this boss. Minimum players to spawn: 2 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 10 Base Hit Points: Boss/Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Low Movement Speed: Normal Head Slots: 1 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 2 Leg Slots: 2 Total possible combinations for this type: 19,756,800 3: Ogrebeast: This more deadly form of the Giant type body grants the creature two heads! It also has increased armor. Minimum Players to Spawn: 3 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 6 Base Hit Points: Boss/Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Moderate Movement Speed: Slow Head Slots: 2 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 2 Leg Slots: 2 Total possible combinations for this type: 138,297,600 4: Centaur: This beast travels around on 4 legs, has increased health, but is slower and only has one chest slot. Minimum Players to Spawn: 3 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 6 Base Hit Points: Boss/Above Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Moderate Movement Speed: Slower Head Slots: 1 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 1 Arm Slots: 2 Leg Slots: 4 Total possible combinations for this type: 88,905,600 5: Lasher: Two-legged, four-armed monstrosity. This creature is not something you want to mess with on its off day. Minimum Players to Spawn: 4 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 8 Base Hit Points: Boss/Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Moderate Movement Speed: Normal Head Slots: 1 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 4 Leg Slots: 2 Total possible combinations for this type: 968,083,200 6: Spider: A hybridized version of the Lasher and the Centaur, this creature gains 4 legs and 4 arms! It also has increased health and armor. Minimum Players to Spawn: 5 Maximum players to prevent spawn: N/A Base Hit Points: Boss/Above Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Above Moderate Movement Speed: Slow Head Slots: 1 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 4 Leg Slots: 4 Total possible combinations for this type: 34,850,995,200 7: Mauler: A vicious form of the giant. Bipedal terror with 6 arms and 2 heads. This creature stands tall and deadly, ready to smash anything it encounters into the dirt. Minimum Players to Spawn: 6 Maximum players to prevent spawn: N/A Base Hit Points: Boss/High Base Armor: Boss/High Movement Speed: Slow Head Slots: 2 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 6 Leg Slots: 2 Total possible combinations for this type: 332,052,537,600 8: Mega-Centaur: The ultimate, deadly form of this creature. Whatever experiments were going on in that lab at the time of this creature's escape.. well, it ate them, apparently. Minimum Players to Spawn: 10 Maximum players to prevent spawn: N/A Base Hit Points: Boss/Extreme Base Armor: Boss/Extreme Movement Speed: Very Slow Head Slots: 2 Shoulder Slots: 2 Chest Slots: 2 Arm Slots: 6 Leg Slots: 6 Total possible combinations for this type: 430,340,088,729,600 Arm Types: 7 Types 1: Clobber Arm: A large fleshy, muscular arm that does an over-arching smash attack on the ground. Grants the ability [Smash], and a small increase to hitpoints. Smash is a moderately quick moving slam attack that shakes the ground where it hits. Any enemies caught underneath are knocked back, stunned for 3 seconds, and take heavy damage. This is a melee range ability. Blocking this attack prevents the knockback and stun but the player still takes heavy damage. [+HP][+Smash] 2: Crusher Arm: A large, fleshy, muscular arm with an oversized hand. The boss will attempt to grab a nearby player using [Death Grip], and will crush them for heavy damage over five seconds before throwing them a short distance away. This attack cannot be blocked. Also increases hit points. [+HP][+Death Grip] 3: Lasher Tentacle: A large green tentacle with smaller tendrils use for gripping and lashing out at opponents. Grants the ability [Tentacle Lash], which allows the boss to periodically lash out at a player with this arm, gripping them, doing light damage, and bringing them into melee range of the boss before dropping them. Grants the boss slight health regeneration. [+HP Regen][+Tentacle Lash] 4: Impaler Tentacle: A thick green tentacle with a sharpened tip. Grants the boss the ability to periodically stab this tentacle into the ground below it, damaging anyone in melee range. The tentacle will emerge from the ground a short distance away, stabbing a random target on the ground. The targets hit with this attack take moderate initial damage then bleed over 6 seconds for the same amount. Also grants slight HP regen. [+HP Regen][Impale] 5: Flamethrower Beam: A cybernetic arm with a flamethrower attached to the end. This grants the boss a medium range flamethrower attack. Targets caught in the flames take moderate damage, then rapidly take fire damage over the next 10 seconds. Grants increased armor. [+Armor][+Flameburst] 6: Ion Cannon: A cybernetic arm with a heavy ion cannon grafted on the end. The boss will pick a target, then charge up an energy beam over 2 seconds. After it charges, a thick beam of energy will blast out, and the boss will hold that position, keeping the beam constant over 3 more seconds, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in the beam at any time. Also increases armor. [+Armor][+Ion Cannon] 7: Phalanx-Arm: A Cybernetic arm with a large metal wall on the end. I'd like to say shield, but really, it's more likely that this was the security door holding this thing back when it escaped. This grants the boss the ability to block. Increases Armor greatly. [++Armor][+Block] Leg Types: 6 Types 1: Stomper Leg: A strong, fleshy leg built for crushing enemies underfoot rather than mobility or speed. Decreases the speed of the boss, but grants the ability [Stomp], where if a player gets near the monster's feet, he will perform a stomping attack, crushing them into the ground, stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing heavy damage. The leg then kicks the player backwards, dealing light damage additionally. [-Speed][+Stomp] 2: Leaper leg: A strong leg built to allow larger creatures to jump over obstacles in their path. Instead, this creature has adapted it to allow it to jump short distances onto hostile creatures and smoosh them underfoot! The boss will crouch down for a second, then leap at a random ground-bound player, doing heavy damage on impact and knocking them backwards. [+Jump][+Crushing Leap] 3: Mobility Tendril: A large tentacle that splits off into smaller, thick tendrils at the bottom, allowing for extra mobility. Grants the boss slight health regeneration and increases boss speed slightly. [+HP Regen][+Speed] 4: Glistening Tentacle: A large tentacle with several other tendrils across its form. Periodically leaks slime on the ground, which is incredibly slippery to players and deals damage for every second they stand in it. Grants slight HP regeneration. [+HP Regen][+Slime Trail] 5: Mechapod Alpha: A cybernetic mecha-leg with a pod at the bottom for stability. Increases the armor of the creature greatly at the cost of speed. If a player gets too close to the creature, a door will open up on the leg and a boxing glove will come out and punch them away. [++Armor][-Speed][+Kick-punch] 6: Mechapod Beta: A cybernetic mecha-lag with a pod at the bottom for stability. Periodically releases an oil slick onto the ground. This is slippery, and if it touches fire, it ignites, burning anyone foolish enough to get caught in it. [+Armor][-Speed][+Oil Slick] Shoulder Augmentation Types: 5 Types 1: Shoulder-Mounted Auto-cannon: A large open-barreled autocannon is mounted on this creature's shoulder. Periodically fires a burst of rounds that hit for below-moderate damage each. [+Auto-Cannon] 2: Shoulder Mounted Seeker Missile Pod: A missile rack sits atop this creature's shoulder. Why? Maybe he thinks it's a parrot or something, who knows. Either way, this grants the boss the ability to fire Seeker Missiles at enemies. Periodically he will fire off two missiles that will target a random enemy each (Even the same one!) and chase them down. They turn slowly, so it is possible to trail them into other objects - whether that's a player, the boss, or the ground, that's up to you. They explode for moderate AoE damage on impact. [+Seeker Missiles] 3: Shoulder Mounted Phoenix Artillery Cannon: An artillery cannon is mounted atop this guy's shoulder. Periodically fires off three rounds of Phoenix Artillery, which flies at a high arc into the air, then crashes down into the ground, exploding and leaving a patch of fire on the ground for several seconds. The impact does moderate damage and knocks the player around. [+Phoenix Artillery] 4: Shoulder Mounted Starburst Missile Pod: Another missile rack, this time, it fires a cluster of missiles off in random directions. They fly erratically for several seconds before detonating, sending a shower of shrapnel in every direction. This shrapnel deals moderate damage. The explosion itself deals heavy damage. Neither can harm the boss. [+Starburst Missiles] 5: Flinger Tentacle: A thin, long tentacle grows out of the creature's shoulder. It periodically reaches for a nearby object, be it another creature, a player, or an object, and flings it at a random enemy as a projectile. If a player is thrown, they take moderate damage on impact, and anyone that is hit by a flung object also takes moderate damage. [+Tentacle Fling] Chest Augmentation Types: 8 Types 1: Reflective Shield Generator: A metallic door that periodically opens up to reveal a shield generator within. When active, for 5 seconds, any energy attacks directed at the boss will bounce back and hit the point of origin. [+Energy Reflection Shield] 2: Reflective Armor Augmentation: A metallic door that periodically opens up to reveal an armor augmentation within. When active, for 5 seconds, any physical attacks dealt against the boss bounce back and damage whoever sent them. [+Physical Reflection Shield] 3: Assimilator Tentacle: A fleshy part of the boss opens up to reveal a tentacle that lashes out and grips a random nearby creature (Player or otherwise). It will retract the creature into its chest cavity and slowly drain the life out of it over time. The creature is unable to act while being absorbed. The tentacle is still visible during this time and will spit out the creature if it takes enough damage. If the target is a player, it will spit the player out after 6 seconds. [+Absorption Grip] 4: Chucker Tentacle: A fleshy part of the boss opens up to reveal a tentacle and a metal storage compartment. This tentacle will appear periodically and throw random objects at players for varying amounts of damage. These are things stolen from the lab - beakers, tools, chunks of wall, cats, rabbits, robotic aides - and it appears to have an endless amount of them, too. [+Random Object Chuck] 5: Thick Skin: A patch of unnaturally thick skin. This increases the hit points of the boss greatly. [+++HP] 6: Cybernetic Armoring: A patch of cybernetic armoring. This increases the boss armor greatly. [+++Armor] 7: Minespitter: A metal door opens up to reveal a small, flat barreled cannon. It will then spit out several fusion mines, which land on the ground then arm a few seconds later. If any player steps on these, they detonate in a large explosion and leave a patch of fire on the ground, dealing damage to any who stand in it. [+Fusion Mines] 8: Repair System: A metal door opens up to reveal a series of cybernetic repair arms. While active, these will heal the boss rapidly over 10 seconds - however, during this time, he can not move, attack, or act in any way, and takes 100% extra damage. [+Repair Shutdown Protocol] Head Types: 7 Types 1: Spotlight Helmet: This creature has two eyes and wears a metal helmet with a spotlight on top. Literally, a spotlight. It's probably part of the roof of the complex , just molded to fit the creature's skull. Grants increased armor and gives the creature a really large, wide, powerful light cone. [+Armor][+Spotlight] 2: Barbed Skull: This creature has several poisonous barbs and tentacles sticking out of its head. Melee attacks on this boss have a chance to deal a small amount of poison damage to the attacker. [+Poison Barb] 3: Cyclops head: This creature has one huge eye instead of two! Periodically, the large eye will focus on a random player, and shortly after, that player will be frozen in terror by Death Stare for 3 seconds and cannot move or shoot. [+Death Stare] 4: Spider Head: Opposite to the Cyclops head, this creature has 8 eyes and is pretty gross looking! Grants a small level of health regeneration and a small increase hit hitpoints. [+HP Regen][+HP] 5: Seeker Prime Head: Considered a successful experiment, this creature grew a Seeker prime designation head type. A mane of tentacles cover this creature and its red eyes, and it gains the ability to spit acid at a nearby enemy periodically, reducing their armor and speed, and dealing moderate damage over 5 seconds. [+Acid Spit][+HP] 6: Cyberskull: This WAS once the creature's skull, until the skin was peeled away and the skull was implanted with metal cores and cybernetics. Grants the ability to fire lasers out of its eyes in addition to looking pretty scary in the first place. The lasers are twin lasers fired quickly at one target that does moderate damage. [+Armor][+Laser Eye Shots] 7: Mecha Head: Instead of augmenting this creature's head, it was completely removed and replaced with a fully robotic mecha headpiece. Increases armor of the boss greatly, and grants the use of a head-mounted auto-cannon. The Auto-Cannon periodically fires a burst of shots at one target that each do light damage. [+Armor][+Head Mounted Auto-Cannon] Example: BODY: 5 HEA 5 SHOULDER 1: 5 SHOULDER 2: 3 CHEST 1: 6 CHEST 2: 5 ARM 1: 2 ARM 2: 1 ARM 3: 7 ARM 4: 2 LEG 1: 4 LEG 2: 2 <Place Terribad Pixel Art Here> Minimum Players to Spawn: 4 Maximum players to prevent spawn: 8 Base Hit Points: Boss/Moderate Base Armor: Boss/Moderate Movement Speed: Normal Abilities: - Acid Spit - Tentacle Fling - Phoenix Artillery - Death Grip x2 - Block - Slime Trail - Jump - Crushing Leap Bonuses: HP: + + + + + + + + Armor: + + + + + HP Regen: +
I like it... Its a cool story. The galaxy must be a screwed up place though, as every monster and race seems to have some horrible, epic story. One day id like to see a race thats just like "Hey these guys live on their own two little planets and run amusement parks for fun"... hehe
Wrath: It was a sinister Seeker plot all along! One of the people at the front of the ride were designated to get "sick" during the roller coaster. When they.. did their.. sick.. thing.. people that got hit were purposefully infected with the Seeker microorganism! SEE?! NOTHING IS INNOCENT!
An amazing idea! I gave like. It goes into full detail in everything. Since the history does not have a lot of use in game, make it so that you can talk to an old man. He will say that he was a captive of the Vraekka once, but managed to escape. He will say that during imprisonment he learned about seekers, and that they were PLANNING to make them in to a biological weapon. Then he will say how long ago that was, and walk off. Then you follow some directions he gave you to an old Vraekka base. This base will then be ruined, but in the ruins you will find the earliest experiments of the seekers. Then you will find some clues of the location of the seekers. When you find them, most will be vicious. You will be able to use their DNA with your own, to make you mutated to some extent and gain their powers. Once, while fighting these beasts you will find a seeker which is hardly mutated at all, and he will tell you to follow him to a safe location. Then later, he will tell you the rest of the seeker history and then he will tell you some Vraekka history. This is the important bit. He will tell you that the Vraekkans hold a key to discovering an awesome truth, and this truth MAY be to find those who destroyed your home planet in the first place. Then, most importantly he will give you a way to find the Vraekkans. Then he will simply die and some heavily mutated seekers will come in, and you will defend against them These seekers bring you one step closer to your destiny... PLZ use this idea, and whoever likes it can throw in a like . I would rather see this in the game, than have my entry win, to be honest. (although I would like that VERY much )
Yax: You should go check out my quests in the Suggestions forum under Side Quests. There are a few Seeker related ones in there where I got the idea for this race! Done writing for today. Will get more stuff up tomorrow. Stay tuned!
The upgrades that body parts give is easier to read now! I like the Seeker renegade better than the mutant by far.
I'm actually going to clean those listings up a little better and color code them so they're even easier to read. Been thinking of the best way to handle it because it's still a bit of a mess. About to crack down on it and get back to work!
Thanks! The draw the IRC peeps gave me on that one worked out really well. Turned out to be a stealth scout with a pistol and dagger. One last part to go then all is complete. See tomorrow for details!
wow... this is SOOOO long, i love it! i hope to win but no one has posted on my thread... at all. i don't think many people have even looked at it, i have no chances... anyway, thats awesome! 5/5 great [insert anotation here]
Hehe, it is a touch lengthy. I like to go into detail. I even cut down on the detail I went into I'll have to check out your submission tomorrow too. When I finish I'm going to organize the whole crazy things with spoilers to contain it all so it's not a supercrit wall of text when you open the window.
well, my submission is called "The *insert element here* Iguana" don't really have the link, the only guy that subscribed what some Russian guy, all he said was S**t (please mind that) in Russian...
No longer a work in progress, everything is cleaned up, finished, and I got the spawning patters and AI behaviors in for each creature! Enjoy, all!