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Anyone else worried?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by lee246, Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. lee246

    lee246 Aquatic Astronaut

    I'll be honest, the fact Tiy took time to post in this thread has gone a long way towards reassuring me. It's a nice touch for a developer to communicate directly with his/her audience.
    Starheaven07 and Aviakio like this.
  2. Grayecastle

    Grayecastle Big Damn Hero

    My thoughts exactly.
  3. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is one of the many benefits to being a part of an indie game developers community. They are more forth coming with their community. I wish big named companies did this as well, but I can understand.
  4. Takatalvi

    Takatalvi Orbital Explorer

    I just clicked the post to see your avatar (lol)
  5. Stone

    Stone Aquatic Astronaut

    I think we will see the full game, The team making it looks Strong in their promises and is in touch with the community.
  6. Anthony Williamson

    Anthony Williamson Void-Bound Voyager

    I really hate parroting what everyone else is saying, but really, with all the development it's a little to firm to just disappear into thin air.
  7. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Carpe diem, buddy!
    Even if they never release the game, think about the good times you have at the forum waiting for it! :giggle:
  8. TheDeviant

    TheDeviant Sandwich Man

    I stopped caring about the thread when TIY confirmed procedural generation.
    Then I read the rest of the post:

  9. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Worried? A little, actually.
    We never know what might happen.
  10. Jenkinz

    Jenkinz Phantasmal Quasar

    After watching the "Lighting Demo" around 50 times, I can say that this game looks like it won't disappoint me. It reminds me almost completely of Terraria and if it is even half as good as Terraria then I'll enjoy it ^_^ I expect this game to be a lot better than Terraria anyways xD
  11. darkninjx

    darkninjx Big Damn Hero

    If they have financial problems they can start a kickstarter Im sure lots of people would donate I would for sure ;)
  12. Yes, I have. There are just so many things they could do right, and just as many things they could do wrong.
  13. Merch

    Merch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not really.
    Chucklefish may make us chuckle, but....
    They will keep promises to make an awesome game called STARBOUND
  14. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nah, If you worry about it failing, you'll point out all of the weak points on a game. Not the fun, awesome, and extravagant adventures that are " Bound " <-- (See what I did there) To happen!
    ~ John
    WelshPixie likes this.
  15. BiscuitCat

    BiscuitCat Tentacle Wrangler

    The planets are sexy and they know it.
  16. Vargus

    Vargus Big Damn Hero

    Im not worried at all. I believe this game will live up to all of my expectations. I suppose we will see when the day comes, but until then I will trust that this game will be awesome. The devs seem to be very dedicated, and work very hard on this games development, so I don't think it will be an issue.
  17. Pinkie Pie

    Pinkie Pie Cosmic Narwhal

    As long as they don't pull a Peter Molyneux, I'm good.
    Ponzai and Starheaven07 like this.
  18. Havoc

    Havoc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wouldn't mind them pulling a Peter Molydeux
  19. Hakjabtholah

    Hakjabtholah Void-Bound Voyager

    I am not very worried, I think we have been shown some really great and innovative mechanics that will produce a very fun game. It's clear that the developers are really taking their time to perfect what they have already and add even more wonderful things so in return, I will give them my support as well as my expectations!
  20. Tiy's post has raised my hopes for an early release.
    Don't rush it though, guys.
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