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Crashing at floor 120 the mines

Discussion in 'Support' started by FireSpirit, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. FireSpirit

    FireSpirit Space Hobo

    Can you guys please help me?
    Yes, I used google before coming here and it was no good. There was a patch that didn't work and advice that did nothing.
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      A /leeeetle/ more information would be helpful. Crashing how? The moment you descend the ladder? When you try to open the chest? Are you using any mods? Any error logs to look at? Are you wearing synthetic fibers or do you have an allergy to shellfish? (Ok, I admit those last two are not likely to be an issue for the game.) Whatever detailed information you can supply will make it easier to try and help.
      • FireSpirit

        FireSpirit Space Hobo

        When I want to go down the ladder in floor 119, sorry for the lack of info. I tried to use the patch StardewValleyPatcher-0.1.1 and 01.0 but nothing.
        • Lilliput

          Lilliput Supernova

          And are you using any mods? Is there an error log in your save/preference file folder? If so I suggest posting a copy of the error log here for folks to admire and appreciate. (And use for information.)
          • FireSpirit

            FireSpirit Space Hobo

            It says Stardew Valley stopped working and Windows is shutting down the game to try and fix the problem.
            • Lilliput

              Lilliput Supernova

              No, no. Not the error message, the error log. Look in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley (you may need to change your folders properties to make hidden files and folders visible) and look for the ErrorLogs folder. If the game shuts down, it usually generates a text file with a description of what happened.

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