Modding Help Save Edit to enable remixed community center bundles?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Thunderpie, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. Thunderpie

    Thunderpie Void-Bound Voyager

    Started a new file for this reason, and I guess I misclicked the option because the remixed community center bundles is not enabled. Does anyone know how to save edit or change this?

    I tried making two identical files with the only difference being this option and comparing them, but somehow it still generates hundreds of lines of code in difference. Any help is appreciated.
    • nihilityfarce

      nihilityfarce Space Hobo

      Probably way too late to help now, but in case someone else googling finds this:

      1. Create a new file with the remixed community bundles enabled
      2. Follow the guide here to edit save files:
      3. Open both save files, and search for and copy/paste the tag <bundleData>...</bundleData> with all of its contents from the new file into the old save file in the same location

      Worked for my game, but also did not test on a game where bundles had already started in-game.

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