Things That Still Have You Scratching Your Head?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dwarfus, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Ipielle

    Ipielle Title Not Found

    Another very intriguing thing, how does the mayor manages to get his trunk out of its parking place every evening? I mean, does he have super manoeuvering powers or a shrinking potion? Because I have a very small garden with a very narrow alley so I know about manoeuvering around very tight spots with your car, but this is just on a whole other level!
    By the way, the picture included doesn't belong to me, I found it on the web.
    (Disclaimer even though no profit is made whatsoever out of this post. We never know! ^^ )

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    • Charity322

      Charity322 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Also, why did Joja leave their car behind when they left?
      • Corraidhín

        Corraidhín Supernova

        He is secretly Super Agent 86 and that truck of his has submersible capabilities! (it slides into the river)
          Ipielle likes this.
        • Ipielle

          Ipielle Title Not Found

          Hoooo! That would explain quite a lot of things!
          And he uses an underground river to end up in one of the farm ponds and take everything in the box!
          Clever! And that explains how he can travel around even though the lanes are quite narrow. He simply doesn't use them! :nuruninja:
            Corraidhín likes this.
          • Corraidhín

            Corraidhín Supernova

            Quite Smart he is! everything we know about him is naught but a façade to keep his secrets from the world! his clumsiness and overly obvious err.. "friendship" with Marnie!
              Ipielle likes this.
            • musical74

              musical74 Space Kumquat

              Actually, Lewis's relationship with Marnie has me scratching my head. Pretty much everyone know there's a relationship there, why on earth do each of them try to hide it? For that matter, why does Lewis ask a newbie to get his lucky shorts (that are in Marnie's bedroom)?
              • Bleetyz

                Bleetyz Aquatic Astronaut

                Something that bugs me out is: HOW DID MAYOR'S LUCKY SHORTS ENDED UP IN MARNIE'S BEDROOM?
                • Ghostly Fox

                  Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                  Uh... When two adults find each other attractive... Look, they are doing the do together. He left them there, probably after having to make an emergency escape.

                  As for why he asks the farmer to get them, he apparently forgot where he lost them, so I am guessing they were under the influence at the time of that "meeting."

                  I'm a little concerned about how bad Joja seems to be polluting the environment. I mean, if it's this bad in a town with under 40 people... So it's more I don't get why they are thriving so much, unless they are basically funding some major government operations single-handedly.
                  • Jack Of Shades

                    Jack Of Shades Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Something tells me Joja is Government funded. I don't know why, but with the bits I saw it leads me to believe Joja may be a Mega-Corporation with Government ties.
                    • Ghostly Fox

                      Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                      I think the letter you get about the mine being open again has something about a law specifically designed for Joja? Maybe Joja is paying for the war effort or something?
                        springacres and Jack Of Shades like this.
                      • springacres

                        springacres Phantasmal Quasar

                        I always read that letter as suggesting Joja basically wrote that law and the government signed off on it. Yes, I am that cynical.
                        • sunlite

                          sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

                          Why does Morris come to rescue me after being exhausted at night even though it's been years since the CC was restored and Joja was put out of business?
                          • SheepSaysBaah

                            SheepSaysBaah Intergalactic Tourist

                            He is low-key a good guy helping people but since he is running broke he has to fee you.
                            • Charity322

                              Charity322 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              It's the only way he can get cash anymore.
                              • Hipster Farmer

                                Hipster Farmer Void-Bound Voyager

                                What happened to Sebastian's father? Dead? Nasty divorce? Unknown? (Maybe he run off with Jas' mother who didn't want to raise the Wizard's child)

                                He and Maru don't seem to be far apart in age, he probably was just a toddler when Robin got pregnant with Maru. How did Demetrius manage to mess up his relationship with a toddler-aged stepson up so badly? With Robin's marvelous carpentry skills, there was no time to build a better room for her first born than a windowless, smelly (according to Sebastian) room?

                                Harvey isn't qualified to give mental health car but he has resources as we see in Shane's event. Harvey is able to diagnose mental health problems yet he fails to notice how Pam and Sebastian have issues as well, especially Pam with her substance abuse? (Okay, "Drink less!" wouldn't fly with Pam, however, her issues run deeper than "beer, lol!" and she cares a lot about Penny. Suggesting self-care to help Penny could work well. Even her daughter doesn't acknowledge anything but only says how hard it is at home and how she wants to leave asap, no word about her mother needing some other kind of help besides doing the dishes)

                                Talking about Penny, I still think she was condescending, if not even rude, towards George, running over to him and pushing him out of the way without asking if she can help. She of all people should know how humiliating it feels to be patronized and pushed around but being too helpless to change the situation.

                                Why do so many people call Haley a gold digger when she lives in a nice house that belongs her family, has an expensive hobby and, once she drops the shallow act, always talks about photography and is super happy when she receives a sunflower. While Penny, who's usually considered the good, modest girl, loves expensive gifts and talks about how much it bothers her to keep a small place tidy and how much she wants to live in a big, pretty house once she and the farmer become closer friends?

                                What's Alex' deal? Okay, he's not going for a higher education obviously but to become a professional athlete in a team sport shouldn't he train, well, with a team? Does he drive to the next town or city when we're not looking? Was he at home on vacation when we arrive and just forgot to go back to wherever he usually trains? I'm not an expert in pro sports but I don't think you just exercise by yourself and write an application letter to your desired team once you feel ready.

                                There's the Stardew Valley fair that's pretty popular in the region, Spirit's Eve is a big thing, Leah is optimistic to turn SV into an art destination, the beach is great, there are mountains, there's this amazing museum with the great library - it's perfect for tourism. But... where would any tourist sleep? And if somebody likes it there so much they want to stay, where? Can people only take over a home once the owner dies or by marrying one of the bachelors/bachelorettes and move in with the in-laws?

                                Grandpa loved Stardew Valley. The elders who know him speak highly of him.

                                If he was so happy there, why did he leave? WHEN did he leave? Stardew Valley has phones and internet and snail mail. Why are his times there such a mystery to the new farmer, did none of his old friends ever thought of writing? Calling? Sending pictures? Didn't Grandpa have any pictures or stories to tell to his grandchild of a place with magical beings and monsters? What happened, Grandpa, what's your true story about Stardew Valley that you took with you to the grave?

                                Maybe he knows something about the skeletons deep in the mines, who were these guys, who walled them up?
                                  ChaosAzeroth and sunlite like this.
                                • sunlite

                                  sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Well, Emily mentioned she thinks Haley is looking to marry someone rich.

                                  Agreed. Maybe she meant well, but that was unacceptable and startling.

                                  I don't think his brain is developed enough to realize that. And what would his elders know about leagues/teams? He just needs someone to explain his deal.

                                  Grandpa didn't leave; he died. Also, the farmer didn't move into Pelican Town until years after his grandfather died, maybe there wasn't as developed of technology there. Also, my guess is he was there years before the farmer was born, and he died sometime in your farmer's youth.

                                  You have some interesting points, lol. Thanks for posting!
                                  • Sventex

                                    Sventex Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    Why does Stardew Valley have a grand deluxe Bathhouse that nobody seems to use or run? That place looks like it was built for a population 50 times the size of Stardew Valley, and the only person I ever see hanging out there is Linus. And this giant bathhouse appears to be self-serve?

                                    Why does such a small town with a population of 2 children have a giant library and museum? Tourists never visit the place, and Mayor Lewis claims taxes pay for it all. Why would he allow that? And for that matter, I don't pay taxes on the farm...

                                    And how does Lewis know how much to pay me for every single item I put in the bin? How can he tell the difference between wild honey and poppy honey? How does he know how to price hot pepper wine or pickled rhubarb or any of the ancient artifacts unearthed from the ground? Does Lewis carry all this stuff to market with his hands? Does he use that truck he never uses?

                                    What exactly was grandpa doing with the farm given there are no buildings and giant ancient boulders are strewn all over the ground?
                                    • Jerev

                                      Jerev Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      That's easy: his cursor tells him all relevant information when he hovers over the items in the bin. He the sells everything to Joja. He has a secret contract with them in which they promised to rid him of the old community center. The center is the stain on his badge because he was never able to repair it.
                                      • Sventex

                                        Sventex Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        And yet I can't sell things to Joja despite being a member?
                                        • Jerev

                                          Jerev Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          Well I was creatively joking. But I would say that a supermarket was never a place to sell stuff ;)

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