This mod includes scripts and tech that allow the use of my custom items as intended. For non-Steam downloads, see the releases, and for /spawnitem commands, see the Discord server.
Some features of this mod require xClient v3.0+, StarExtensions 1.9.11+, or starlight v1.0+:
- xStarbound is available here, supports all FezzedTech features, and is required for FezzedTech's night vision effect and other visual effects.
- StarExtensions is available here.
- starlight is available here.
If you're not on Windows, use xStarbound or use WINE to play starlight or Starbound with StarExtensions.
Note: FezzedTech is NOT compatible with OpenStarbound and will cause it to crash on startup.
FezzedTech comes with the following keybinds:
- Sitting: Press G (by default) to sit. Should be obvious what this one does.
- Roleplay mode: Press Z (by default) to activate roleplay mode. In this mode, your character has a more "realistic" jump height, but can still climb onto platforms, blocks, and objects just above him if next to them.
- Roleplay ruler: Press X by default to activate the roleplay ruler. This ruler gives distances from your character in metres and feet, and also gives a GURPS range modifier. Not supported on starlight.
These keybinds require xClient or StarExtensions. If using xClient, you can rebind them in the Mod Binds dialogue. StarExtensions users must type in /binds while in-game to access the dialogue.
Built-in commands
This mod adds four built-in commands for in-game dice rolling:
- /roll: Rolls dice. Takes the following arguments: [dice] <is public> <comment>. Dice are in "dice + adds" format; addition, subtraction, multiplication (*) and division (/) are currently supported (decimal dust is shaved off after the operation), but not multiple "adds" or other arithmetical operations. If you specify the die size as only "d" (with no size number), it defaults to d6 (this is standard GURPS notation).
- /rab: Rolls dice multiple times and tallies them up. Takes the following arguments: [number of rolls] [dice] <is public> <comment>. Dice are in "dice + adds" format (see above).
- /ra: Makes a GURPS skill or stat roll. Takes the following arguments: [skill or stat value] <is public> <comment>. The skill or stat value is a simple integer; no arithmetic is currently supported. Critical failures and successes are handled as per standard GURPS rules.
- /raba: Makes multiple GURPS skill or stat rolls. Takes the following arguments: [number of rolls] [skill or stat value] <is public> <comment>. See above.
The last two optional arguments to all the above commands are explained below:
- <is public>: Takes any of the following values: local, global, party, no. If any other value is specified, this argument is skipped (defaulting to no) and the value is parsed as a <comment> instead (see below). If no, only you see the results of the dice roll. If local, the roll is automatically posted in local chat. If global, it's posted in global chat. If party, it's posted in party chat.
- <comment>: An optional comment for the roll, which shows up in the roll message. If you're using StarExtensions, surround the argument with quotes if the comment has spaces in it. If using xSB, no quotes are required (and, in fact, they'll show up in the message).
The commands require xClient or StarExtensions to work.
Make sure not to have FezzedTech or any of the "empty" techs equipped before uninstalling this mod (or use this mod).
Redistribution and modification
This mod is under the MIT license. I.e., you may freely redistribute or modify the mod and its associated items as you see fit. Just please make sure to credit me, alright?
Helpful links
- Discord server:
- GitHub:
- Steam Workshop:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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FezzedTech v1.3.1.5
Support mod for custom items with some roleplay features
Recent Updates
- v1.3.1.5 update Jan 25, 2025
- Changelog for version v1.3.1.4 Jan 24, 2025
- v1.3.1.3 update Jan 11, 2025