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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. minor adjustments

    just fixing a couple minor snafus with the latest release:

    - removed “nipples” on female slime armor upgrade (not a huge deal, but it looked stupid)

    - removed “desert_wastes” from default desert config (this was forgotten when I was testing)

    - removed “arboreal2” option from arboreal 1 config (like above, forgot after testing)

    - fixed broken quest-drop. You should now properly see the related NPC appearing (random chance) on Wasteland and Fungal worlds. Yes, I know it doesn't match Fungal. This is temporary.

    - removed “dark primeval” worlds from Tier 1 and 2 star systems. Primeval was far too common as a result.
    zBound likes this.
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