This mod adds miniature versions of trees from Frackin' Universe that bear fruit. They can be found where the FU fruit trees are normally found; such as Pear Trees in Pear Orchards. Their recipes can be unlocked when you pick up their respective produce. To craft them you only need 1 Log and 5 Plant Fibres at the Botany Lab.
- Cherry Tree Seed
- Cherry Tree Seed Recipe
- Nyani Tree Seed Recipe
- Nyani Tree Seed
- Peach Tree Seed
- Peach Tree Seed Recipe
- Pearlfruit Tree Seed
- Pearlfruit Tree Seed Recipe
- Pear Tree Seed
- Pear Tree Seed Recipe
- Tearnut Tree Seed
- Tearnut Tree Seed Recipe
- Craftable Seeds NEW compatability (on Steam Workshop)
- Zersetzung (Steam Workshop) for suggesting to put recipes on Craftable Seeds NEW.
Steam Workshop Link:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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FU Tree Crops 1.6
Miniaturized trees!
Recent Updates
- Categories Jan 29, 2024
- Cleanup Nov 19, 2018
- Recipe unlock fixed for real Nov 18, 2018