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KawaiiStuffMod 1.4.0

Sexy stuff to seduce your crush in Starbound

  1. Yuri99
    Version: 1.4.0
    we have reached the point of no return. The only way to go is DEEPER

    nice mod tho
  2. privite OP
    privite OP
    Version: 1.2.1
    Could u make it compatible with the EBS and EEBS mod?
  3. PowerPistons
    Version: 1.1
    Hey you should add panties too the stockings, because they look a bit weird on the other races...
    1. GeekBoy
      Author's Response
      That will happen in the next update, which is nearly finished.
  4. ZombieDeadPOOL1
    Version: 1.0
    I can't Believe this is actually a Mod i'm Speechless 0-0
    Bravo, Bravo *clapping* but for real nice mod. :D
  5. Crazy Karl
    Crazy Karl
    Version: 1.0
    >Ran around on a server and was stopped by a friend who asked why was i naked...am now disappoint i cannot show friends this beautiful mod.
    1. GeekBoy
      Author's Response
      You should probably contact the server admin and ask him to allow this mod for his server. Then your friend also needs the mod to see how you are dressed.
  6. Zoomah
    Version: 1.0
    So yes.. now it's all where it should be :)
    For further ideas: you could combine the pure stockings with panties for example.
  7. Zoomah
    Version: 0.3.2
    4 for now... i'll give the 5th once you added it to the yarn spinner
    1. GeekBoy
  8. Ludichaton
    Version: 0.3
    Great mod, loving it ! Hey, for smexy ideas... Fishnets, maybe a bunny set too. Especially fishnets, those are awesome !
    Hey, keep up the good work !
  9. FXY Gaming
    FXY Gaming
    Version: 0.2
    I hope to see more added. Maybe you could add a sweater but the kind that have holes on the chest so you see the breasts. Actually, what are the point of those sweaters? They don't really keep you warm.
    1. GeekBoy
      Author's Response
      I am going go use this in the item description . ^^
  10. Saint Apollyon
    Saint Apollyon
    Version: 2015-10-23
    Lovely mod~ As for more sexy stuff ideas, how about a sleeveless sweater with some gloves? That'd look pretty nice. :>
    1. GeekBoy
      Author's Response
      Thx for the idea, I still need to bring the mod working on the newest starbound version so be patient.
  11. julamad
    Version: 2015-10-23
    anonimously rates*
  12. fabialvarado10
    Version: 2015-10-23
    OK what the
  13. llewxaM
    Version: 2015-10-23
    Simple, good made mod. Nice job.
    1. GeekBoy
      Author's Response
      thank you, it is not finished thoug, (sorry for bad english) I will update it when I have time. (any ideas for more sexy stuff?)