Monijir and I are very excited to bring to you our mod, Pet Craft! Do you love your ship pet? Are you upset that all you have is ONE food bowl, ONE toy and ONE house for your adorable pet to enjoy? Don't fret! This mod adds MANY new items for your pet to enjoy! Let's have a look!
Brand new Pet Beds and Pet Houses!
(Pet Bed Example on the left, Pet House example on the right.)
Brand new Food Bowls!
And a brand new crafting table!
Side notes; Unfortunately I have not yet gotten around to updating the toys, Monijir has fixed the code so it is just up to me to implement them now. I just wanted to make the basic features available. I'm sorry that it took me so long to update this mod. I have been away from the site and the game again lately due to personal real life stuff, being sick and visiting family. At the moment I'm unsure if I will continue to add new items or when I will get around to adding the toys back in.
IMPORTANT! Please do not report errors in the review section, instead, report them in the discussion. Thank you!
Please do not include this mod in any compilations without Monijir and I's permission. Please do not edit or redistribute the assets without crediting us. I have left the permissions down below as they are so that people can share the mod on their servers without an issues. Thanks!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

[OUTDATED] PETCRAFT by Amethystumn and Monijir 2.1
Adds new, craftable pet beds, houses and bowls!
Recent Updates
- bug fixes Nov 20, 2016
- Essentials of PetCraft updated to Starbound v1.4 Nov 19, 2016
- I'm back and ready to work on an update for this mod. Sep 8, 2016