Your Intergalactic Pet Supply Store
Get Toys, Food And More!
** NEW Scripting thanks to the folks over @**
**Amethystumn and Monijir's Pet Craft **
**Go Get they're Toys Too!!**
Totally Great Art and Scripting!!
**Craft The PetXpress Shop From Your Basic Crafting Menu**
Buy and Sell:
Pet Frames/Blocks/Signs
Spawn The Following Pets:
Abu Frame - Abu - Aladdin
Bob-omb Block - Bob-omb - Super Mario
Goomba Block - Goomba - Super Mario
Moolge Frame - Mog - FFIII/VI
Kappa/Imp Frame - Kappa/Imp - FFIII/VI
Zombie Frame - Zombie Enemy - Super Ghosts and Ghouls
Raven Frame - Raven Enemy - Super Ghosts and Ghouls
Pig Sign -Starbound Pets
Bunny SIgn -Starbound Pets
Pet Toys:
Rubber 1up Mushroom - Super Mario
Rubber Red Mushroom - Super Mario
Rubber Superstar - Super Mario
Rubber Mario - Super Mario
Rubber Luigi - Super Mario
Rubber Bone
Rubber Brain
Rubber Carrot
Rubber Steak
Rubber Burger
Rubber Fish
Rubber Fishbone
Rubber Nanna
Toy Skull
Yarn Ball
Pet Beds:
Shareable Bed - Cuddle Up With Your Pets
Hay Pile - Not Just For Piggies!!
Abu's Monkey Jem <- May Turn Into A House ALD
Pet Housing:
Coffin - Super Ghosts and Ghouls
Urn- Super Ghosts and Ghouls
Moogle Tent - FFIII/VI
Kappa/Imp Tent - FFIII/VI
?Block - Super Mario
Rabbit Hole
Pet Food Bowls:
Bunny/K-9/Kitty Cruncgers Brand Food Bowls
Happy Cat/Bow-WOW Brand Wet Food Bowls
Meat Bowl
Vegi Bowl
Iced Fish Bowl
Severed Head Brains Bowl
Pet/Farm Trough
Various Food Items:
Bunny/K-9/Kitty Crunchers Kibble Bags <--To Open Use C Crafting Menu
Happy Cat and Bow -WOW Canned Foods <--To Open Use C Crafting Menu
Brains.....Fresh And Day Old
More Inventory to come
BIG THANKS TO Amethystumn for her Permissions & Mod!!
BIG THANKS TO Monijir for his Great Scripting!!
BIG THANKS TO xxswatelitexx for his help as always
Sorry No Longer Compatible with Purchasable Pets Due to Scripting Change
Most Sprites are actual Game sprites edited to fit
If you have a Pet Request from and old game you played
Id be happy to take a shot at it
As always any Question Comments Suggestions or even Criticisms are all welcome!!
Remember to review if you like the mod!!
It helps me to know im taking this mod in the right direction
PLEASE Bug report in the DISCUSSION area NOT IN REVIEW!!!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Pet-X-Press 1.4
Your Intergalactic Pet Supply Chain
Recent Updates
- Pet Spawn Fix Jan 30, 2017
- Rule Breaking Package Delivery Apr 19, 2016