There's a critical error with bonk atomic punchs and I did not notice, now I fixed it, yes it was my fault that it happened, sorry about that.
Details: The atomic punch's effect used to last indefinitely, meaning you technically is invincible quite forever and now that has been fixed, HOWEVER people who had such invincibility will still have this effect to last forever, SOO... do yourself a favor, enable admin mode and spawn the Death Soda (spawn codeL tf2deathSoda), REMEMBER to backup your stuffs, pixels and stuffs then drink it, it would be an instant death but it would remove the ever lasting invincibility.
<1.6.4 - Fix 1>
- Error Fix:
> Bonk! Atomic Punch! no longer grants permanent invincibility
(for anyone drinking it afterward from this update, my bad that
such ridiculous error occured)
- New Debug Usage 'Weapons':
> Death Soda - Grants Death for drinker, instant, removing any pain
and bugs stuck on the player (spawn code: tf2deathSoda, no it's not
and official stuff but I will need this for some tricky bugs).
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TF2 Weapons Mod 1.6.4-Fix2
Team Fortress Weapons