This mod requires WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship:
Steam Workshop Version:
How to install?
Just put the WolFenFLCN-11Gunship_UseAnyHeadgear.pak inside your "...\Starbound\mods\" folder.
A small patch that removes force headset while piloting/gunning the gunship. You're now allowed to use any headgear you wanted. I made this since I not everyone likes it while using the gunship and I gave an option to obtain the headset via the WolFen FLCN Station you can get from Penguin Pete.
Thanks and credits to Rylasasin & pjaj for their gunship offshoot version.
- WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship v1.2 & v1.3
- Avali WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship v1.2 & 1.3
- Elithian Alliance FLCN-11 Gunships v1.3
- Frackin FLCN-11 Gunship v1.3
- WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship: Shellguard Edition v1.2
Mod is client side and it should work in multiplayer. Also it is standalone with the original mod and should be compatible with any other mods.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship: Use Any Headgear 1.2
A small patch that removes force headset while piloting/gunning the gunship.
Recent Updates
- Now Supports: Elithian Alliance FLCN-11 Gunships Aug 8, 2019