This is kinda small for now but I am still working on it...
To craft the weapons you must craft the "Loot Crate" which is 10 Wood Planks and you can find this loot crate in your crafting bench.
The weapons added so far are exact names I found them to have on Wowhead...
- Basic Axe
- Worn Hatchet
- Large Axe
- Tabar
- Two-Handed Sword
- Basic Broadsword
- Duskbringer
- Filthy Paw
- Militia Warhammer
- Wooden Mallet
- Xu'tenash, Glaive of Ruin
- Tournament Gladiator's Pike
- Tal'rak, Bloody Skull of the Thunderlords
- Britomart's Jagged Pike
- Fortune
- Soulblade of the Breaking Storm
- Malevolent Gladiator's Slicer
- Firethorn Mindslicer
- Frostreaper
- Tournament Gladiator's Mageblade
Every weapon is at the moment 4 wood planks each as it is easy to obtain and I was not sure what to put for these. I like my weapons to be easy to get so you can just enjoy them and have fun rather than grind all day for them.
If you find one or more of these weapons either too weak or strong then comment in the discussion page and I'll try to adjust them.
Want me to try and create a specific weapon next? Than please comment in the discussion page with a Wowhead link to the weapon and I'll give it a try.
Why Wowhead? Because they have an awesome 3D model viewer that helps me so much when creating these weapons.
Note : Yes, most of these are very basic weapons from the game but that is because I thought I'd work my way up a bit. I soon realized that would be far to dull so I started making some higher level weapons for low level weapons in-game to make it more interesting.
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Wow Crossover (WIP) V0.02
Weapons from Azeroth crossing over into Starbound...