Separate names with a comma.
I have tried every rainy evening in Fall and every snowy evening in Winter, to get a Walleye. I have never even seen one. I have tried rivers and...
So there are quite a few of fishing difficulties that have been made, it would be easier to put them all together in here. If others wish to have...
I decided to use a magnet tackle because i wanted more treasure, but when i put it on my rod it replaced the bait instead of the tackle. "Oh okay"...
I just got maxed out on all 5 skills and it got me thinking to back when I got my first level 10 with Fishing which was in Year 2, I also did...
Spring, Wed. 10 around 1:30pm, In front of the Fishing Shack on the Docks, Current weather: Rain I was fishing at the Docks since I had nothing...
Green, because Blue wasn't enough for my friendly fishing pal, so let's just get real sad together and both become Purple. [ATTACH] For reference,...
Hello guys! First of all, I am not used to Forums such as these. Basically I am new to this. I started playing these game 3 days ago, and totally...
Haven't noticed it before before, but the Magnet goes into the bait slot, gets used up immediately and pretty much doesn't work properly. [ATTACH]
Hi Guys First time posting anything like this, Also I am not sure if anyone else has done these, but if they have my apologises. Super Easy...
Anyone caught them? Is there any purpose to them besides their high value? Also I thought you could only catch them once? Because I totally have...
So, when I went to go meet Willy, and he gave me the fishing rod, my invetory was full, so I left it in the Gift invetory. I can't seem to figure...
This suggestion is simple: Make the fishing minigame more like real fishing. IRL Fishing can be as quick as a few seconds for small fish, to 3...
I just tried out the Pirate fishing perk for a couple of days now on my second save file. And while i sure like the increase in pirate booty i...
As the title says: [IMG] I'm currently waiting for my character to become exhausted and hopefully that fixes my problems the next day, but...
I've just been messing around with the mods and the game keeps crashing (unable to save at the end of the day and then crashes) when I use the mod...
I've read through all the fishing posts concerning missing fishes but I've just spent the past 4 hours trying to find the freaking Walleye fish to...
As the titles suggests, I think there is a bug with the Legend fish (Mine Outside Lake) as in my Spring (Year 2) I was able to catch two the...
I just started year two and I STILL don't have a catfish. I know it has to be raining/snowing but I've been fishing nearly every day for hours....
I was just thinking of having the time go by at least every 5 minutes instead of 10. I don't know for sure if this will help any, but it seems to...
Nothing huge but figured I would share it anyway. Basically, Sea Cucumber is classed as "Other" instead of "Fishing" as of Patch 1.03. I don't...