Feedback 17 hours in so far, some feedback

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by htuoS, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. htuoS

    htuoS Space Hobo

    This game is everything it to be so far and I can't be more excited.

    That being said, here are some things I'd like to say after playing quite a bit.

    • Button hold to skip cut scenes is slow, maybe change it to a button combo.
    • Strength weakness screen could use a bit more clarity, maybe moue-over on a portrait would give a tooltip that say the name (ex: soldier, mage, cavalier)
    • End turn button shouldn't be on top of the menu, losing turns to rouge mouse clicks
    • Critical hit indicator could use a slight change to be more visible. (I don't think so but I've heard people say it, so onto the list with it )
    • (multiplayer) In fog of war, you can currently see all buildings a player owns, their income, and if you know how much money units cost, u can deduce what they buy when they buy it. This should definitely not be how fog works :p
    • (multiplayer) After being defeated in an online game (3p/4p) if fog is turned on, you spend the rest of the game staring at a foggy map if you don't want to leave. Would be cool if you were granted full vision so you could watch how the rest of the game pans out.
    • (edit because I forgot one) The map editor needs a hotkey that displays the whole map in a viewable for when pressed, and if this button exists then something somewhere should say what it is.

    Lastly its not really feedback, but remappable buttons (and/or)assignable hotkey slots would be super cool. For example clicking a barracks, pressing 'C' would select a cavalry unit, the confirming the purchase with the standard mouse click. (hotkeys in the map editor to make for quick mapping would be amazing tooooooooo)

    Thanks for all your hard work guys.
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2019
    • Lunin

      Lunin Space Hobo

      One minor issue with your second multiplayer point is that it would enable cheating if two of the people were playing in the same physical location or were communicating with each other. I do agree that staring at fog is kinda boring though :)

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