Modding Help a quest and a dungeon

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by disguisy, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. disguisy

    disguisy Void-Bound Voyager

    so im trying to make a quest that nuru has (after completing arena 3) that teleports me to a custom dungeon (which was created with tiled), where I have to reach the end. First I would like to address the quest, is it even possible to give nuru another quest? Also, is there a patch file for quests. Next the dungeon, is there anyway for me to check if the dungeon is working properly, I have it in the dungeon_worlds.config.patch, but I can't tell if its working.

    "id" : "floranarena4",
    "prerequisites" : [ "floranarena3" ],
    "title" : "^green;LOLLY",
    "text" : "Ssomeone else has challenged you in arena combat! It's a Floran beast named ^orange;Volo^white;. ^green;Come talk to me when you're ready to go^white;.",
    "completionText" : "You beat Volo! This is a lot of fun. Here's your fourth trophy!",
    "moneyRange" : [800, 800],
    "rewards" : [
    [ [ "shardsword", 1 ], [ "trophygold", 1 ] ]

    "updateDelta" : 10,
    "script" : "/quests/scripts/instance.lua",
    "scriptConfig" : {
    "portraits" : {
    "default" : "questGiver"

    "descriptions" : {
    "enterInstance" : "Talk to ^orange;Nuru^reset; to travel to the ^orange;arena^reset;",
    "findGoal" : "Win the arena battle",
    "turnIn" : "Return to ^orange;Nuru^reset; at the ^orange;Outpost^reset;"

    "warpEntityUid" : "nuruoutpost",
    "warpAction" : "instanceworld:arena2",
    "warpDialog" : "/interface/confirmation/teleportconfirmation.config:arena2",

    "goalTrigger" : "proximity",
    "proximityRange" : 20,

    "goalEntityUid" : "arena2teleporter",
    "indicateGoal" : false,
    "trackGoalEntity" : false,

    "turnInEntityUid" : "nuruoutpost"

    "metadata" : {
    "name" : "firstdun",
    "species" : "generic",
    "rules" : [
    "anchor" : [ "firstdun" ],
    "gravity" : 100,
    "maxRadius" : 100000,
    "maxParts" : 100,
    "protected" : true

    "parts" : [
    "name" : "firstdun",
    "rules" : [
    [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ]
    "def" : [ "tmx", "firstdun.json" ]

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/shoggothdungeon",
    "airless" : true,
    "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1400,
    "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1209,
    "biome" : "shoggothbiome",
    "musicTrack" : "/sfx/ambiance/shoggoth.ogg"

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