A wine question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by musical74, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. musical74

    musical74 Space Kumquat

    With the addition of the new bundle, I'm wondering how to get a wine that's silver and not gold quality. Something to keg is "normal" quality wine, to casks is gold (and that takes quite awhile), has it been set up that I can stop it at silver if I want? I tend to avoid the casks because of the long time to get wine to gold quality, but I don't know another way to get a wine to silver/gold quality. So....is there a new way to get a wine to silver (but not gold) or has the cask been modified to allow silver quality stuff now?

    Also, if I gift Leah a silver quality wine, will she like it more than normal? It's one of her loved gifts anyway!
    • One More Day

      One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

      When it gets to silver, just dislodge it with one of your tools

      And yes, leah will like it more
      • UnexpectedParole

        UnexpectedParole Phantasmal Quasar

        With Leah I find it's easier just to do Gold Goat Cheese. But I could see on many farm setups having wine instead and using the cask to age it for teh quality bonus.
        If I were to give it [aged wine] to Leah as a gift to get the bonus, I think it might as well be as high a quality as possible wouldn't you think? So unless it was a birthday or winter gift timing issue for the multiplier, I wouldn't stop it at silver [for gifting] - for the bundle, I use the axe to dislodge the wine from the cask when it is showing silver star.

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