Active Time in SP and MP? Potential Multiplayer Issue Remedies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Javiolanti, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Javiolanti

    Javiolanti Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't take what I say as any type of jibe against you, I'm simply viewing it objectively. Any type of issue that could negatively impact a player's experience should be viewed critically and without bias, as those experiences are what could make and break a game, I am aware of the pros of your points, but I do bring up the cons to better view the topic through all perspectives.

    As what is currently known about this game, a player can't collapse due to overworking, unlike Harvest Moon, even if it'll be impacted slightly, so they can have a variety of events encompass the day with little issue (fatigue does have 'a' impact, but how much is undetermined). This helps remedy any type of multiplayer issues regardless, as one player isn't 'collapsed' due to exhaustion when another still has energy. My point is, though, some people could choose to go to bed far earlier than their co-op teammates, as in someone goes to bed at 5PM Gametime when another wants to go to bed at 10PM.
    That brings the issue to hand about how you suggested how the player who stays awake eventually collapses, I assume you're referring to late at night is when they would, and if that is so, I have no discern concerning that, that suggestion is a completely valid one and I personally am for it. But for the time difference between 5PM and 10PM in my aforementioned example would leave one player waiting for a considerable amount of time (dependent on overall game speed), your idea of sleeping mini-gaming is promising, but delicate. If one player is consistently ahead of his teammate and plays this minigame, he is probably going to want to be rewarded in some way. Like maybe if he has a big party in his dream, he has a very slight increase to HP/SP, or if he has a minigame concerning a village member, perhaps completing the minigame successfully will increase the person's affinity towards you.

    My point about the sleeping game requiring a reward is just basic gaming principle. The player 'could' see it as his friend is getting things accomplished while he's stuck waiting playing some minigame with no reward, rendering it moot to even participate in the minigame at all and he'll prolly just alt tab and check facebook or something, potential lost of interest, etc, etc. Now, if the mini game(s) rewarded him with different things for accomplishing his goal in the minigame, then that could very well hold his attention and make him feel like he's not getting the short end of a stick while his friend makes use of the remaining 5 hours of his day.

    The ideas are nice, and I'm not holding anything against them :), I even support them as potential concepts for ConcernedApe to consider, I'm just addressing 'potential' issues that may impact some players.

    EDIT: For the record, I think we just had a misunderstanding on the 'brute force' issue, as I reread your previous message, mentioning a player collapsing was vague to me, as I was envisioning what you meant as 1 player goes to sleep really early, another player ends up collapsing at 8PM because of it, even though he had more plans past 8PM. Now I think you meant the standardized time for players to collapse if they try to stay awake into the following day, like 12AM or something would result in collapsing. If that's so, my apologizes for that minor confusion between us.
      Blackthorn and Cariyaga like this.
    • Blackthorn

      Blackthorn Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I didn't mean collapse by overworking and I'm already now that it won't arrive in game. The point is if you and your friends would go to bed, and Your team mates have house pretty far away, so what would happend if you are in bed?
      I see that you know what I mean. I'm sorry for my not good enough language knowledge(I didn't used english for really long time, so I need to work on that).

      These sleeping features could be just an atraction for players and also it could give some profits for finishing a hard ones, but here comes a little problem. If you want get some profits, then other players want it to, so then You just wasting some time to get those bonuses. There dreams could be anything just like I've metioned. Some of them could be in comics form(gamers could make their own in some game editor and then share it) or some could be interactive(party, flying, etc etc). Of course you can abandon dreaming if other players vote for it. I think it's better than nothing and it could varied the gameplay experience.

      So, in conclusion, I think it's not that impact to ruin someone's gameplay experience.
      • oath2order

        oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

        Wow. Ya'll takin' this seriously.
        • Javiolanti

          Javiolanti Void-Bound Voyager

          Owning a farm is no child's play, dear sir! :rofl:

          I kid, of course, but I can only imagine the things developers have to go through in order to ensure everyone likes their product, stuff like this subject. A lot of catering to all sorts of different types of gamers, and it must be hectic to try and find a middle ground for everyone to meet at. Props to ConcernedApe for all his hard work thus far.

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