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All classes gain a bit of move speed on level up.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Clione, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Clione

    Clione Astral Cartographer

    The default move speed is way too slow, and sometimes you just don't get any goat hooves. Classes like the engineer or Han-d need those to dodge Providence's teleport slash.
    • ShadowlessWanderer

      ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

      Jumping. if you time the jump right, you can EASILY dodge it. And the slower "tankier" classes such as Engie and HAN-D can shrug off a few hits from Providence like that. Besides, Engie's turrets draw aggro from providence allowing Engie to stay unharmed and HAN-D can heal through with a quick few key presses to throw drones. HAN-D also gets move speed from his C (Overdrive) skill so that can take the place of a speed boost.

      Its not needed.
      • Clione

        Clione Astral Cartographer

        But even if it isn't really needed, you know you want it. By a little bit, I mean like 2 % increase per level, so it wouldn't be that big a deal.
        • ShadowlessWanderer

          ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

          Thats just it, I don't want it. There's no need for it. Goat hoofs also do this. As does burning Witness. goat Hoof is a white/tier 1 item, gotten in droves. Its EASY to get mass movespeed thus there's no point for this.
          • Clione

            Clione Astral Cartographer

            No, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will get a goat's hoof or burning witness in a run. That is the problem and I thought I made that perfectly clear in the opening post. The default move speed is so slow. Let's say your average character level in a run is 16. That would equal + 30 % move speed, which isn't even 3 goat's feet. Why are you against going at a speed that isn't sluggish?
            • ShadowlessWanderer

              ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

              In the opening post you said Engie and HAN_D NEED something like this but its false. A simple well timed jump is more than enough to avoid Providence's teleport slash. Not to mention Engie has their turrets to avoid taking damage since turrets draw aggro as well as HAN-D has his Overdrive (3rd/C) skill that gives him a speed bonus. You could easily use these methods to avoid Providence's teleport slash.

              Also, what are the odds of someone NOT having a single goat hoof by the time they reach Providence? Unless they specifically avoid taking items, those odds are extremely low.

              Why is this NEEDED when there's other methods that work perfectly fine to do the exact same thing? See my previous responses and tell me why this is NEEDED like you say it is.
              • PerfectOutlaw

                PerfectOutlaw Tentacle Wrangler

                I feel that the low base speed of most characters is an important challenge that has to be overcome during your run before you reach the boss, but you don't necessarily need higher speed to overcome it. A shield item like the guardian heart lets you absorb a hit you can't dodge, jetpacks let you jump over damage hitboxes, regen items let you tank hits instead, high hp pools gives you more room for mistakes, etc. If everyone was quick, even by 1 or two hooves, a lot of combat depth would be lost since the base "dodge" strategy would be much more successful, meaning that players won't have to learn some of the more creative ways to not die. Also, increasing movespeed would mean less time spent on levels, and would punish players less for going for the full clear on items. Part of the game's balance (especially on monsoon) is the tradeoff of more items vs more difficult. Making this choice less costly would dramatically impact the difficulty of the game.

                This is an interesting thought though, maybe increased movespeed should be a thing in drizzle, to help some newbies there?
                • Clione

                  Clione Astral Cartographer

                  I also said in the opening post the default move speed was too slow, that was just a specific example. I didn't know you could jump to avoid the teleport slash, because I tried it and it didn't work. I never tried it again after that. Maybe you had a rusty jet pack? Whatever, forget about the providence thing, it doesn't matter anymore. I also stated that there is no guarantee you will get an item that boosts your move speed. The chances are higher than you think, there are a lot of items in this game. I still don't think move speed on level up is a bad idea. What if it was a single percent per level? Would you still abhor it?

                  You bring up some good points, but I don't think a single hoof would change the way the game is played. I think 1 % of move speed per level is fine, since you won't be reaching a single goat hoof's worth of speed until the fourth level, and under the assumption you don't get any move speed boosting items, your speed would probably be capped right around there.
                  • shadowpikachu

                    shadowpikachu Space Spelunker

                    Speed plays a role in balance as much as health or damage, tinkering with that can really make things a bit out of whack.

                    IMO its fine, you can dodge everything with a well timed jump, if you don't like the speed then just explore the map more conservitively or you can get a goat hoof if lucky or command.

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