RELEASED Babies Take After Their Parents! Recolors + New Toddler Hair and Clothes (Updated 11/20/18)

Discussion in 'Characters' started by lilipea, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. lilipea

    lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

    UPDATE 11/20/18
    Mod is now available in two different versions.

    Please check the Nexusmods thread for more information and preview images. Download mirrors are below.

      Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
    • Shadow123367

      Shadow123367 Void-Bound Voyager

      Do one for Abigail please!! <3
      • lilipea

        lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

        Added Abigail's (unnatural) babies~
        • Jigain

          Jigain Phantasmal Quasar

          This isn't a bad idea. Not sure why Abigail dyes her children's hair though...

          Ideally I'd want to see an average of the father's and mother's skin color, as well as either the father's or the mother's hair color, but I have a feeling that if that's at all possible to make it's way in the future, not to mention quite a bit more complicated than a texture replacement. :p

          Until then, this is great.
          • lilipea

            lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

            I figured the purple hair would be more appealing despite it being dye :p I'm willing to upload natural Abigail babies if someone wants them.

            I'm not sure such in depth babies would even be possible, but I'm certainly not skilled enough to attempt it haha. Would be cool to see though!
              StardewLaunchPlayer likes this.
            • rinachan

              rinachan Void-Bound Voyager

              I literally made an account just to tell you how much I'd dig this mod! I agree with Jigain, it would be interesting to have an actual mix-up from both parents, but I understand that this is very difficult. That said, I'd be more than happy to see this bachelor(ette)-based baby design mod become a thing! :D
                lilipea likes this.
              • jedikitty

                jedikitty Aquatic Astronaut

                I love this - please keep up the good work !
                • GreaterPorpoise

                  GreaterPorpoise Void-Bound Voyager

                  I haven't had kids yet on any of my saves (though if you did Harvey, I might reconsider my childfree stance on that playthrough xD) but this is a fantastic mod concept! And honestly, Abigail's kids with her hair colour fits better than Pierre's or Caroline's hair colour. I look forward to seeing more from you! :D
                    rinachan likes this.
                  • Shadow123367

                    Shadow123367 Void-Bound Voyager

                    Thank youuuuu This is great <3
                    • lilipea

                      lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

                      Thank you all, I'm so happy you guys like them! I'm going to do all the spouses, so Harvey's babies are definitely happening :nod: I know there's a mod that adds more spouses and CA has said he'll probably add more himself, so I'll probably do a few more currently unofficial baby recolors like Shane and Emily too.
                      • StardewLaunchPlayer

                        StardewLaunchPlayer And Do the MONKEY!

                        This is great! Looking forward to the Elliot download.
                        • lilipea

                          lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

                          I'm curious whether you guys prefer the default colors for the clothes or would be more into me changing them into complementary colors. Here's an example of what I could do with Elliott's future bb:
                            StardewLaunchPlayer likes this.
                          • Rosalie

                            Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                            yay!! so happy to see someone making the babies look like our spouses :D
                            • GreaterPorpoise

                              GreaterPorpoise Void-Bound Voyager

                              Babies are looking good! Complementary colours make sense, since you're changing the sprites anyway. Or alternative idea, whatever seems to be the spouse's favourite colour scheme (e.g purple/black? for Abigail, red/green for Elliott, bless his Christmas heart).
                                StardewLaunchPlayer likes this.
                              • Shadow123367

                                Shadow123367 Void-Bound Voyager

                                Complementary colors sounds great, Maybe you should make 2 versions though, for people who don't like the idea? Maybe that's too much work. I'd love it though.
                                  StardewLaunchPlayer likes this.
                                • lilipea

                                  lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Uploaded Elliott's little Christmas babies! Miiight adjust them to be less bright. I'm going to focus on the complementary colors for now, but if anyone really wants any of the babies with the default colors I have no problem offering that too. Also going to go back and recolor the clothes for Penny and Abigail's babies.

                                  That's mostly what I had in mind. I just might have to take some liberties with the color scheme, since a lot of the spouses have a focus on one color.
                                    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
                                  • rinachan

                                    rinachan Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I agree, changing the clothes is a geat idea :D So happy you did Sebastian's children, now I can finally marry him without worries :D Thanks a lot for this mod, I'm personally not a fan of mods in general but this one I'm getting. So amazing <3
                                      Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
                                    • Meevers

                                      Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      This was something I wished was already in the game, thank you so much for making this. <3
                                      • StardewLaunchPlayer

                                        StardewLaunchPlayer And Do the MONKEY!

                                        Complimentary colors sounds wonderful! I appreciate the time you're putting into this. They're beautiful.
                                        • FarmerHowie

                                          FarmerHowie Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Adorable! Can't wait to see Harvey's babies, I would definitely get married then!

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