Brazilian Group !!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AlbertoBR, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. AlbertoBR

    AlbertoBR Space Hobo

    Eu sou brasileiro e estou muito ancioso com a vinda deste game , (o novo Harvest Moon da geração de PC's ) , e queria compartilhar com outros brasileiros o que acham desse novo game , pelo facebook , responda ao post e me falem seu facebook's!!!

    I am Brazilian and I'm really looking forward to the coming of this game, (the new Harvest Moon generation PCs), and wanted to share with other Brazilians who find this new game at facebook, respond to post and talk me your facebook's! !
    • oath2order

      oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

      I don't think there's many Brazilians.
      • Pongozila

        Pongozila Void-Bound Voyager

        Actually we are plenty... And I’m also looking forward to this game too; it has insane hopes for HM fan. I really hope it comes out soon! =D
        • naithaan

          naithaan Zero Gravity Genie

          Dont rain on the portuguese speaking way :p

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