Modding Help Can i add(or change) Joja Mart item menu?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by load1988, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. load1988

    load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

    Before write sorry about my English. (i'm not good to that cuz i'm korean)
    anyway i used mode "GenericShopExtender". it was good. but has little bit problem.
    that is cant effect on (maybe :X) Joja mart.
    Becuz joja mart merchant is hasn't portrait(& also not Character...i think)

    so now, my question is How can i add(or change) Joja Mart item menu?
    Use on "GenericShopExtender" mode. or something another...
    plz help me (Ggu Beok m(_ _)m (T_T) m(_ _)m )

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    • Hammurabi

      Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

      I'm not very familiar with GenericShopExtender, but you should be able to just pass a null string for the person name. That's what the game does when calling up the JojaMart shopping menu.
      • load1988

        load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

        thx for reply.
        but Joja Mart girl is not exist name :X (i think)
        if could be shopmenu event is based on map........
        ex: menu event-shopmenu (if you in jojamart map, change menu)
        • Hammurabi

          Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

          The game normally calls the JojaMart shop from GameLocation.PerformAction(), with the section in question being:

            string[] strArray = action.ToString().Split(' ');
            string s = strArray[0];
            else if (s == "JojaShop")
            Game1.activeClickableMenu = (IClickableMenu) new ShopMenu(Utility.getJojaStock(), 0, (string) null);
            goto label_366;
          For comparison, the line that opens the shop menu at the Adventurer's Guild:
          Game1.activeClickableMenu = (IClickableMenu) new ShopMenu(itemPriceAndStock, 0, "Marlon");
          So... it's definitely not necessary to pass a character name to the ShopMenu, as even the game itself doesn't always do so.
          • Hammurabi

            Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

            I just looked at the Generic Shop Extender source code, and yeah, you are not able to use that mod to alter any shops that don't have named shopkeepers (including the JojaMart shop).

            If you're wanting to see how to make your own mod to do it, the following places have source code for you to look at to get started:
            Generic Shop Extender's source code on GitHub
            My Adventure Shop Inventory mod

            I think that, instead of checking the shopkeeper, you could probably just check the current location to figure out if the open ShopMenu is for JojaMart.
            • load1988

              load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

              really thx :D
              so... how can i do that... T_T (need coding program? Visual Studio?)
              • Hammurabi

                Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

                You'll want a C# IDE (the "coding program"), with Visual Studio being one of the top choices.
                I'd recommend the "Community" version -- it's only available to students, independent programmers, and open-source developers, but you'll fit in that category, and it's free, unlike the other versions.

                After the download, it'll have some links to tutorials and help pages. They're a good place to get started.

                Once you're a little familiar with C# programming, then it'll be on to the Stardew-specific aspects of modding. There's a nice tutorial/reference page available for making SMAPI-based mods, and Pathoschild has made a NuGet package that'll do most of the work required to set up all of the background details needed before you can get started on your mod (see the linked page).

                In my opinion, the most difficult part of modding Stardew Valley is simply figuring out how to get data from Stardew Valley itself, and how to add your changes back in. The coding of the game is… a bit chaotic. As the first thread I started here makes clear, LOL. You'll have a definite headstart on this area, though, since there's already two mods available for you to look at for reference, doing extremely similar things to what you want to do.

                And, if you've got questions, feel free to ask around on here. I'm generally willing to answer any questions I can if you PM me or I see the thread, and there's plenty of other helpful modders here, too.

                Alternatively, if you're having trouble getting it made, I can probably whip together a mod for you… but between work and another modding project I'm working on, I think my hands will be full for the next few days.
                • load1988

                  load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

                  Thx a lot :D
                  i'll try to make that.
                  thx again :D
                  • load1988

                    load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

                    Coding is Too hard to me :X
                    • Entoarox

                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    • load1988

                      load1988 Aquatic Astronaut

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