Year 2, 22nd of fall. Pet cat One house expansion Chicken coop w/ 2 regular chickens, 2 void chickens, 2 ducks, 2 rabbits Barn w/ 2 cows, 2 goats, 2 sheep, 2 pigs Horse stable No spouse
Year 1 | Fall 24th 2 Silos 1 Big Coop 2 Chickens 1 Dinosaur Egg working on being hatched 1 Big Barn 2 Cows 1 Goat 25 Kegs producing Pale Ale First house upgrade 17 Preserve Jars Crystalarium producing Amethyst Horse stable Cat pet Fruit Bats 10 hearts with Abigail (with bouquet given) Skills are at: 10 Farming - Tiller & Artisan 8 Mining - Geologist 9 Foraging - Gatherer 7 Fishing - Fisher 8 Combat - Scout Reached Floor 120 of the Mines (at Summer 3) Tons of Quality Sprinklers and 1 Iridium Sprinkler being used (with another being in inventory) Community Center Progress: Boiler room completed before end of Spring Vault completed before the end of Summer Pantry has 1 bundle left before completion Crafts Room has 1 bundle left before completion Fish Tank has 2 bundles left before completion Bulletin Board has 5 bundles left before completion 2 Stardrops currently collected Tools: Steel Pickaxe Steel Axe Steel Watering Can Normal Hoe (Starter) 40k Gold on hand currently
Thank you for this, I need saves as well for the Save Editor I work on. But my save is heavily modified from it, but here it is: And also a website would be better yes? After I am done working on a CMS/Api for the Mod Manager, I can maybe work on a simple uploader. i married Caroline but the game crashes for some reason the next day i think its because of to much hearts is there a way to decrease hearts or change wife? ops the save wont load at al now i altered the characters attack stats and such
hey northern monkey. do you still need test material? because im currently at the end of year 2 of my latest playthrough and have backup saves every like 15 days from spring year 1 (yes i have a paranoia that something breaks ^^). was really useful when i got stuck in a chest from upgrading my house xD
Save details: Year 1 Summer 25, Thunderstorm, Spirits very displeased Male farmer, Cat person, bat caves, non-upgraded house, 40k gold Crops: 1 Giant Melon, blueberry bushes, wheat, poppies, summer forageables (2 iridium sprinklers, 20ish quality sprinklers) 1 basic coop (2 white chickens, 2 brown chickens), 1 deluxe barn (3 brown cows, 1 goat, 1 baby goat), stables Unlocked skull key, Community centre mine carts Steel pick, steel axe, Steel watering can(Being upgraded to gold currently), copper hoe, iridium rod
I manually save at least once a season, so here are a few of my games at various stages. No mods, but I tried the "change the cave" thingy a few times, files as marked. File "Betty y3 s1 d1" has all house upgrades.
Hmm I didn't see yours on my first pass, I'll take a look I did try yours before I posted but it kept crashing when on game load. Have you edited the save file?
Here you go: Female / Late fall yr 1 (24th or 25th?) Cat, Horse Fruit bats in cave. (Have cave extension mod with 2nd/3rd floor with kegs/jars/chests on second level. Dunno if that will break anything, or if it will even load, vanilla.) Only missing 2 bulletin board bundles and one (winter) gathering bundle; 4 jumino stars. Greenhouse unlocked, desert unlocked, "glittering boulder" unlocked, minecarts unlocked. Mr. Qi Casino unlocked, skull caves unlocked. Just got second house upgrade and millionaire cheevos. L3 Coop 4 chickens, 4 ducks, 2 rabbits, 1 dino L3 Barn 4 cows, 2 goats, 2 sheep, 2 pigs Slime hutch (new) with 2 green and one blue slime (and 2 incubating). 3 Silos Sam at 10 hearts with bouquet. All skills lvl 10.
so what are you secrets to leveling so fast and being done with the game at the end of the first year? i only did 2 playthroughs: my first one simply ended in summer first year cause it was boring. my second one was until spring 1 year 3 with all bundles unlocked and maximum rating. i thought i was fast with being done with the bundles in fall year 2 but i wasnt even done with my skills in year 3. after that i started modding and now have more time in visual studio making mods and making footage for mod pages than playing. how are you power leveling so much?
Mostly? Time mod. More time in every day means more mining, foraging, fishing. Just looked it up - that save has ~90 hours in it. TIME has been spent leveling those skills. Much time.
year 4, 1st of summer pet cat, 2 coops (1 max and one middle sized) 1 max barn full house, married to sebastian with two kids community center completed mushroom cave mostly maxed out stats except for mining and combat which are at 9 1 stable, 1 slime hutch plenty of fruit trees and crops growing, lots of animals dont have the casino quite yet maxed out every relationship except for willy and the other bachelors/ettes lots of other stuff im too lazy to list i play too much lmao
year 3, almost the end. married to harvey, two children. biggest upgrade. one bundle left to complete x.x
4th day, Spring Year 1 Single - antisocial All iridium-upgraded tools 4 barns and 4 coops (no animals) 3 slime hutch (no Slimes) max house upgrade with greenhouse Pet Dog each variant of of fruit trees have 15-18 planted others are growing steadily people with OCD please forgive me decorated rooms i suck at decorating no plants planted nor soil tilled. no processing machines crafted yet 3 wells this is a custom-made savefile
26th Spring, Year 3 (A bit messy, lots of wild trees and not many fences on the farm) Iridium tools Maxed skills House fully upgraded Full hearts with everyone except bachelors/bachelorettes (bouquet given to Haley) Community center done (regular non-joja) Fruit cave Got a statue of endless fortune 30+ outdoor slimes (all green) and Slime Hutch with 15 slimes (mixture of Purple, Red and Pink) Have a barn and coop with all animals except void chicken which is incubating Also have a bunch of wallpapers and flooring saved up in chests Giant crop (cauliflower) just grew as well