Drops/Loot: - plant fibre / wood - seed - bones Environment/Habitat: - In the Jungle / Swampy / Toxic Biomes ( I haven't played in quite a while so not sure which biomes would be best suitable Movement: - Stationary because well it's a plant.... Attacks/Damage: - Bites and holds in place with potential for poison / acid damage from digestive juices - To extricate yourself from it's grip hack away at it like a good little jungle explorer. Looks: I don't have access to any drawing software currently. But think Venus fly trap with eyes X Weepinbell Victribell from pokemon. I like this simply because all the plant life I've come across in my adventures previously (racked up only 300 hours so far) have all been benign. I think it would be "nice*" to have the occasional plant just the unsuspecting Starbounder * in the loosest sense of the word nice.