Hello I want to use the Draconis ship (with Draconis Recolor) for the Kitsune. Tried doing it myself but it seems a bit more complicated than renaming files. If anyone could do it for me I'd be grateful. Draconis https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=868165595 Draconis Recolor https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1370154570 Kitsune https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1396610566 Thanks in advance
This guide might be somewhat useful to you although it isn't specific to your question. But I can give you your patches easily enough too. universe_server.config.patch Code: [ [ { "op" : "test", "path" : "/speciesShips/kitsune", "inverse" : true }, { "op" : "add", "path" : "/speciesShips/kitsune", "value" : {} } ], [ { "op" : "replace", "path" : "/speciesShips/kitsune", "value" : [ "/ships/dragon/dragont0.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont1.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont2.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont3.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont4.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont5.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont6.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont7.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont8.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont8.structure", "/ships/dragon/dragont8.structure" ] } ] ] _metadata Code: { "author" : "Infinitato", "description" : "Kitsune use the ship from Draconis Race.", "friendlyName" : "Kitsune use Draconis ship patch", "includes" : [ "kitsunerace" ], "name" : "Kitsune_Draconis_shipPatch", "requires" : [ "Draconis Race(Humanoid Dragon Race)" ] } But I think you should still read over that guide to understand how that works.