The Witch
Basic stats:
Speed: +++
Jump: +++
Regen: ++
Bio:(I know this isn't needed but I find it fun/easier to think of attacks by adding some background for them)
The Witch is one of three volunteers to undergo a new cybernetic procedure. The reason for this process was unlike past 'upgrades' to people using technology, it's main Intention was to bestow 'powers' to the subject, in the case of this particulate subject, the power to create and manipulate different elements, such as fire, water and lighting.
The process was successful, however there was some minor unforeseen side effects, such as the subject's hair becoming white and some of the implants within her body are visible through/on the skin most noticeably around, and including, her right eye. While these effects are minor, the team are looking into ways of resolving them for her and future subjects.
Most importantly, The subject's psyche has remained healthy and accepting to the changes to her body, after recovering the subject begun training on mastering her new abilities.
Attack 1 – Wind
The Witch's most common method of attacking, fires a ball of wind/force at high speeds at the target dealing 125% damage.
Attack 2 – Fire
The Witch fires out a large stream of flames before her for 3 seconds dealing damage for every half a second a enemy is within the flames (It can hit multiple enemies) for a total of 400% damage. She is unable to turn while performing this ability.
Attack 3 – Lighting
The Witch dashes forwards using the power of lighting to aid her, stunning any enemy she passes dealing 60% shock damage
Attack 4 – Water
The Witch summons a large amount of water surrounding her casing a large wave to cause knock-back and stun to all enemies it collides with, dealing 450% damage.
Firstly I like to say sorry for not posting this in the Character Suggestion thread, however I would like some feedback and suggestions on this idea of mine to help make her fit into the world of RoR.
So I got bored last weekend and started working on my own character for Risk of Rain, almost a week later of me being lazy and getting distracted by things like the game itself, I finally finished her, well kinda, the only sprites I haven't done yet (that I can think of) are the death sprite and the sprite of her within the ship.
I also think some of the attack sprites could do with some extra work/tweaking as well as balancing the moves/damage values. The idea is that she has these powerful skills however they are semi risky to use, as skills 2 and 4 will lock the player in place as she casts them, making her venerable to attack, coupled with slightly longer cooldowns.
So ye, here's the Witch, please let me know what you think and any suggestions or changes I should make.
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