NPC Children (Colony Update)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Femmex, Aug 31, 2015.


Children for colonists...

  1. ...sounds to be a good idea!

  2. ...sounds... nahh we donĀ“t need this really

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  1. ClericAngelBob

    ClericAngelBob Aquatic Astronaut

    Only if they hadn't already broken it down too much :p
  2. ShinigamiX

    ShinigamiX Big Damn Hero

    This is true, that's why its best to kill the Florans after they're eating so they are distracted.
  3. Femmex

    Femmex Industrial Terraformer

    But that would be true for all races ;)

    But stop this now ^^

    Are there any suggestions about the main topic left?

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