Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DinoExplorer2000, May 13, 2018.

  1. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    not really, but in my opinion you should add in the Ryos School time to add more character to Ryos and such, but if you can't make up the School time, it's k, just move past that if you need to, but that's just me ^w^
  2. Niphim Das Victara

    Niphim Das Victara Tentacle Wrangler

    I think it might be useful to have maybe one or two in his school day buts thats just me
  3. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    13 is really good so far! tho i found a spelling error close to the end, you mispelled "Him", it's on the line of
    “Hi dad!” He says as he hugs hmi. His dad hugs him back.
  4. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    oh thx!
  5. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    you are welcome! i just saw it while reading and it bothered me
  6. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    if anyone is still Reading, Chapter 15 is out
    DutchyBoi likes this.
  7. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    I only came across this yesterday, but im already excited for more! Please keep going with it since im really enjoying it thus far.
  8. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    Please dont tell me its dead
  9. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    dont worry its not .I m working on chpt 16.
    DutchyBoi likes this.
  10. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    Well that comment alone just made my day! Thank you for not giving up yet, cant wait to see this finished.
  11. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow, chapter 16 is really cool!
  12. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    DutchyBoi likes this.
  13. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Great chapter! Loved reading it!
    DutchyBoi likes this.
  14. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you!
    DutchyBoi and Pacman6511 like this.
  15. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    its been quite a while, any updates?
  16. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    sorry for late reply, but yes i have been writing on chapter 17, and are planning to release it in a day or two, sorry for no news, i forget to check the forums
  17. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut


    'Tis alright! It happens to a lot of us!
    (Which is why I have my notifications emailed to me >.<)
  18. DinoExplorer2000

    DinoExplorer2000 Cosmic Narwhal

    I dont know how the notifications system works, so I dont know if you get a message when i update. anyway, chapter 17 is out, feedback is appreciated!
  19. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll get around to reading it when I can!
  20. DutchyBoi

    DutchyBoi Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, i only got the message now. I like it.

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