Clint Quest Problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ezidow, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. ezidow

    ezidow Intergalactic Tourist

    I have this little gem for about 2 weeks and I really love this game, but there a few things that are bugging me out.

    One of the things that are kinda broken is the Clint Quest that you can do again and again.
    You need to bring him x copper ore. Not a big deal as I got a chest with about 300 ores of copper.
    Now I try to go to our friend and helper clint and give him my ore. Instead to turn in the quest, he takes it as a present. I can restart the day and feel bad that I made him depressed. It seems rather random to me when it is seen as, "oh, you turned the quest in" and "oh, you gave clint a present"

    Dunno if I am just silly though! Anyone has the same problem?
    • Marak

      Marak Big Damn Hero

      It's not explained very well, but Ore you already have doesn't count for these quests - instead, the game tracks any Ore you loot AFTER the you've taken the quest (either from veins you mine or as monster drops) until you have enough to complete the quest, at which point you can take the whole pile to Clint to turn in.
      • Caudyr

        Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

        This is both true and not true.

        If you split your ore in half from a container (or right click to auto-move it to inventory) then it'll update the quest, as well. I think it also works if you drop some of it.

        It doesn't work if you drop it all on the ground or pull it all out of the chest, so I'm not sure if this is a bug or not.

        However, getting that much ore in that little space of time can be difficult if the RNG hates you, or you aren't that far into the mines yet, I'm not really keen on CA fixing it, especially since this task doesn't come around TOO often.
        • ezidow

          ezidow Intergalactic Tourist

          Thank you both for the reply, I think it might be not too bad to edit the explanation of the quest, as it come up quite often for me at least

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