Omnija updated Elunite Race Mod with a new update entry: Race Overhaul Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm not sure since i haven't tested with other race mods, but i don't see why it wouldn't be compatible. Could you pm me the crash log so i can take a look.
I personally prefer notepad++ but the default text editor "Notepad" is fine. Just right click and open it using your default text editor.
It is incredibly long, i I've tried that before..... it replaces some of the letters and such with emoticons....
Looks good! Keep in mind that i haven't tried it. I like the tron feel. It looked very novakid like at the start, but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Omnija you said that you where making the starter weapon realy epic. I hope it won't mean that you have this realy cool weapon that becomes useles and you need to use something else if you want to do damage. I'd advice you to have upgraded versions of it. My heart belongs to the florans so if i would get this mod i would probably only use it's armor and weapons. Relten you said "tron movies". Are there more than one tron movie? Also where is that "Laughing to my mule" thing from? I can't help you with the coding (becauce i don't know how to code) or drawing (i don't like it). But i will give you my opinions.
We are making upgrades to the weapon same as the armor for the different tiers. We are more likely to release weapons upgrades, more constantly then armor. Everything will be released over time, but armor is much more time consuming then weapons.