REQUEST Farmer to Avali

Discussion in 'Mods' started by AndreasDragon, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. AndreasDragon

    AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't really like the original farmer all too much, and I figured "Hey why not change the Farmer into a fluffy Avali?" If you don't know what an Avali is, they are one of the most, it not the most popular race mod for Starbound. <--- There's the link to the Avali Triage Mod.

    If your wondering, Yes I am currently attempting to do this myself but I am not very skilled at modding. I barely can do any kind of pixel art, and this is all I have

    The farmer base will be Removed once it is finished but I don't think it's going too well. I also think that adding different races will be cool as well. This picture also isn't the actual picture file I'm working on as that one is saved as a .pdn due to the layers.

    I will post the .pdn if any one would like to attempt to do this, the challenging part will be the tail as it is pretty long and may go into other sprites.

    Front facing Avali

    UPDATE: I am no longer working on this file I havent touched it in 4 years so I am uploading the files here in a zip, I made a Gimp file version so people dont have to download paintdotnet to edit the files and gimop is a bit more well known than paintdotnet is. If I had Photoshop I would also make that file available aswell but I dont own photoshop. I give permission to anyone who wants to take over updating this mod.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
      Harzelora likes this.
    • Harzelora

      Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

      This is so cool ! And I don't even play Starbound ! Adding new races to the game would be fantastic.
      It'd be even cooler if we could change the villagers' dialogues for comedic effect. This mod would go along perfectly with the Monster Valley mod !

      I can't really help as I'm not an expert at editing sprites. I'm more of a portraits kinda gal. But I'll be rooting for ya !
      • AndreasDragon

        AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

        Updated the pic and added a new pic.
        • AndreasDragon

          AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

          Update: The head part is done!! now time to start the body.
            Harzelora likes this.
          • Marxon

            Marxon Supernova

            Cool stuff!
            • AndreasDragon

              AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

              I'm So close to finishing this! once I'm done with this I'll have to make the clothing, hair styles and change the colors a bit, as well as make some changes to the accessories. I would be very greatful if I could get some help with this though.
              • AndreasDragon

                AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

                *sigh* I'm at a stand still, I cannot get the arms right, the legs will be even harder, I'll post the ,pdn image for those who want to try to take a shot at this as well, I would love to see this become a community project as well.
                • AndreasDragon

                  AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

                • Foxcmg

                  Foxcmg Big Damn Hero

                  how to open the pdn file?
                  • AndreasDragon

                    AndreasDragon Phantasmal Quasar

                    pdn is the format which Paintdotnet saves the files in, Paintdotnet is a free art program that you can get here sorry for the super late reply, I havent touched this mod in a very long time, I'm here to update the link so people no longer need to ask for access. I'll see about saving them in the gimp or medibang formats aswell so people who want to take this mod over can do so without having to get paintdot net, I'd do photoshop but I dont have photoshop

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