Richard Robertson submitted a new mod: Free Healthcare - Remove pixel cost of death Read more about this mod...
An extremely simple mod, yet some may find it useful and interesting. May I suggest changing the title so it's more clear what the mod does? The description makes it clear, but the title doesn't
I'm not sure what to call it honestly. Most mods I've run in to aren't perfectly described by their titles but I'm open to suggestions.
*Rolls Eyes* Thank god. "Softcore Mode"? No the f*ck it IS NOT... T_T This game had one of THE most broken, clunky, and unreasonably difficult combat system I have ever seen. Additionally, fall damage is SO F*CKING RETARDEDLY HANDLED! For one, gravity effects on planets that increase jump height DO NOT lower the fall damage threshold, or amount of damage. Secondly, the falling physics are F*CKED! You fall SO FAST that I'd actually almost say that the planets would need to have gravity of SUCH an intensity that it would KILL a human who set foot on them..... So yeah - if you're gonna have me dying unfairly left and right even at ENDGAME, then taking... what is it - 25%? (think higher) of my TOTAL money at every death with NO WAY to recover it (yeah, thanks for changing that by the way...), well... *middle finger* WTF happened to the Pixel Printer anyways? I can no longer find it - was it removed as well...?