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RELEASED Gardenbot 2.1 -- REBOOTED --

Robotic Farming ... IN SPACE! - Supports modded plants! - Cheerful 1.3.4

  1. Rocket6488

    Rocket6488 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ill do that, thank you
  2. Twinky

    Twinky Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, a question: ¿How I deactivate the bots?

    I want to deactivate the miner bot bc he constiusly destry my base... yeah, the bot mine my own house.

    Edit: Nevermind I discover that I can shot the bots.
  3. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    hit them with the bug net shuts them down.
  4. Partonetrain

    Partonetrain Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm curious. What exactly makes the miner incompatible with multiplayer? As far as I know the client and server work the same. Is it something with the area loading?
  5. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    exactly the reason Twinky discovered - they can destroy bases
    nominers was a request from a server owner so that only the non-destructive bots were usable
    i ended up with a huge list of improvements to the bots from the users :)
  6. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    LoPhatKao updated Gardenbot 2.1 -- REBOOTED -- with a new update entry:

    Fall 2018 - "I'm not dead" update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. LoPhatKao

    LoPhatKao Space Kumquat

    this can be turned off in the config file, same way as mp_nominers
    change "noshipments" to true

    just in case anyone really wants to not automagically get money :p
  8. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Money? isn't that what selling the millions of crappy weapons are for? hehehe.
  9. Ranaida

    Ranaida Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Soooooooooo ... I don't know how to begin xD

    Firstly I guess I encountered a bug. After a few days (real time days, so login, logout and so on) the bots on my notsosmall farm decided to disappear. About 90% of my bots (about ... 70 I guess) were just gone without a trace, one or two even decided to disappear right before my eyes. The remaining bots are now lonely and sad :'(
    I don't see a connetion to something else, I don't add or delete any mod at this time, its not that the oldest bots disappeared or the ones that worked the most. Its just totally random :'(

    Second I've got some wishes for the bots.

    It would be great if theres an option to get a filter for the bots so they plant only the crops you told 'em or they don't plant the crops you told. It's kind of annoying to see the plants ripped out brutally by the bots (oh these bad bastards xD) and then see that they plant a tomato on a carrot field because they picked up this seed somehow (for example from the carrot field above). (I know there is this mod called "Perennial Crops" but it don't really work in a 100% way ...)

    Then it would be cute to get something like skins for it :D
    To be honest, there was another wish I hat but I forgot it so this is kind of replacement wish. Would be kind of great to dress the bot on the carrot field as a bunny or something like that. Would be more fitting for the world you made and, well, be cuter. Just a tought. I hope I remember the last thing I had in mind sometime ...
  10. Grosaprap

    Grosaprap Big Damn Hero

    May I ask how the lumberbot determines when to plant saplings? I'm attempting to build a small arbor on a BYOS and am having problems getting him to replant saplings. I first started out with a morse code like pattern of two hydroponic tubing blocks and three non-farmable blocks so that the saplings would be spaced out properly, and that worked when I planted them by hand, but he just chopped down the trees and dumped everything into the chest I provided him. So then I thought I needed to replacing the tubing with dirt, but no change. So then I thought maybe he didn't like the 'dot-dash' design and ripped everything out and replaced it with dirt, but he still ignored it all.

    What are the criteria he uses to determine if a spot is suitable or not?

  11. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Make sure you have enough room-height to fit the trees. It's usually the reason they won't plant saplings - not enough space for the tree.
  12. NightmareDL

    NightmareDL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is this mod part of frackin universe? Because it literally has the same guard bot but with a little more light in the eyes and called "sentry bot"
  13. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    That's most likely a pet type bot. Not one to harvest animals. They both use some of the in game assets.
  14. Curtiola

    Curtiola Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think I've run into a bug with the miner bot (v49r) & I can't find any posts with a similar issue, hoping someone knows how to fix this..
    For the first few minutes it works just fine, but after it has been active for a bit, when the bot destroys a block that has no ore the material just disappears completely.
    At first I thought the bug might be triggered when I went too far from the bot, but even keeping them in sight, in a few minutes they start vaporizing my precious sand. :lod:
    I looked through miningBehavior.lua a bit but didn't see anything obvious.

    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
  15. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Working as intended. When a v49r bot encounters a material containing an ore in the .config, it will assume that the material is just natural terrain gen and simply yeet the matching blocks without ores to stop it from having to pick up every single block when mining, significantly slowing down the mining effort.
    Curtiola likes this.
  16. Curtiola

    Curtiola Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah ok, thanks for the information, that makes sense. :up:
    I tried commenting out most of the oreList in gardenbot2.config, but their behaviour didn't seem to change at all.
    It must be more complicated than that to make them stop disintegrating the blocks & I don't have the time or patience to figure it out right now.

    I will edit/post here if I ever successfully modify the v49r, but for now I'll look for an alternative mod/method to amass blocks lazily. :slowpoke:
  17. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    FU's Mining Lasers work wonderfully for that. And this mod works well with most of the FU crops.
  18. Khafariel

    Khafariel Void-Bound Voyager

    Hiya! Thanks for the mod! I have 2 things to report. Idk if they're already mentioned before or not, I got too lazy to continue checking the older pages because most questions are quite similar and I got the feeling I will still find similar questions instead..
    so.. I downloaded the newly updated mod after around 6 months away from Starbound yesterday and..

    1) I got 20 tile long farm. I noticed that the gardenbots harvested them all, but there would only be 2 or if I'm lucky 3 of the harvested fruits & veggies. I tried with different containers, bots, amount of bots, shorter and longer farms, taking the harvest directly from them, only uses the gardenbot mod and they still only give me very little amount of harvest if none at all. I'm starting to think I got scammed by Terramart. Gimme back dem pixels! xd

    2) The gardenbots can till packed dirt for some reason. Is it a new feature?
    Despite my spite with the faulty bots I got from Terramart, I'm still grateful for the mods. Been using it for years. Thanks senor. :drinkinggentcat:
  19. Panth3r

    Panth3r Void-Bound Voyager

    when are you going to update the mod for starbound 1.14?
  20. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, this already works perfectly fine with Starbound 1.4...

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