RELEASED Genderbent Bachelorettes 2

Changes the bachelorettes into dudes..

  1. Lechet

    Lechet Big Damn Hero

    I think I fixed the issue where white spots were showing on Leah's port.
    • Lechet

      Lechet Big Damn Hero

    • variablenonsense

      variablenonsense Phantasmal Quasar

      There is a guide out which includes information for editing dialogue, if you want to edit it, though that would be a decent amount of work since I assume you'd have to go over all of it for character references. It wouldn't be so bad with a search function ... though I suppose you could also just take people letting you know if a character is referenced - ie, "Sam says something about Penny."

      If I wasn't swamped at work I'd offer to help, but the portraits are lovely anyway. Might use them regardless once they're done since I have no interest in bachelorettes.
        jedikitty and Lechet like this.
      • Lechet

        Lechet Big Damn Hero

        I'll probably look into it one day. It'll probably be after I'm through with all the art. Thanks for your compliments. o/
        • Destany89

          Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

          Dear sweet mother of love. I am adding maru to my game..... I have a huge weakness for cute guys in dreads....
          • Kennethern

            Kennethern Phantasmal Quasar

            This is why we can't have nice things.
            • Lechet

              Lechet Big Damn Hero

              • Ghostly Fox

                Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                What are you talking about, this IS a nice thing.

                More seriously, people snarled anytime someone said anything negative about the 'lewd' bachelorette mod (from what I saw, before I decided it was getting a bit too hostile), plus there was a bachelor into bachelorette mod before this one was started. More than that, it is a mod. don't use it if it isn't to your taste and isn't hurting anyone.
                • Kennethern

                  Kennethern Phantasmal Quasar

                  I was kidding. I would've genuinely complained, had I given a crap and a half. Have fun, man/woman.
                  • Ghostly Fox

                    Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                    And this is the issue with plain text. No way to tell tone. That said, sorry for biting- been a lot of people going into threads with obvious content, and then complaining because the obvious content isn't to their tastes for all that said content is also non-harmful.
                    • Kennethern

                      Kennethern Phantasmal Quasar

                      With or without tone, why would you prioritize yourself with someone who complains without reason? Not to mention, how could you take "This is why we can't have nice things" seriously when in context of a mod? Either way, I apologize for whatever mishap I may have committed. Good day.
                      • Dainina

                        Dainina Void-Bound Voyager

                        I love this mod! Thank you for making it, i feel like you stay pretty true to the original style which i can appreciate!
                        • ssgb99

                          ssgb99 Intergalactic Tourist

                          that's cool!! i'm waiting for manly haley he? look like a prince in disney
                          • Delta9

                            Delta9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                            I made an edit to your amazing mod before I knew I was supposed to ask for permission. I'm sorry. that makes them more "gender variant female" than "male" would you perhaps like me to post it here?
                            • Lechet

                              Lechet Big Damn Hero

                              what all did you do to em exactly
                              send me a message show me
                              • Delta9

                                Delta9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                Well ffs, I'm sorry. If I'd known it was going to hurt your feelings so much, I'd never have downloaded your mod in the first place. :lod:

                                I'm new here. I didn't realize the overview page, (previously the only spot it showed that you didn't approve of edits), was a thing until I'd already done it. I won't use your mods to edit from now on. I'll make my own dig cursor and my own portraits.
                                  Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
                                • rhomboid

                                  rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

                                  omg adorable
                                    Lechet likes this.
                                  • Meevers

                                    Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    You sound pretty entitled here. The mod author has every right to be mad when people keep taking their mods, editing them and releasing them without getting permission. It's just common sense to get permission before releasing a mod that is essentially just an edit because at the end of the day, the majority of the work is NOT yours. Also, I doubt this is even aimed at you if you have not released the edit for download publicly. I have seen others take this mod, edit it, and post it without bothering to ask for permission first or even credit the original creator, and that is just honestly the shittiest thing ever to me. It's akin to stealing someones art and being like 'LOOK I MADE THIS!'. No you didn't. Just don't.

                                    I've personally made edits of others mods. But I would NEVER release them to the public. The work is not mine. All I did was edit some bits to fit my personal tastes.

                                    Also, Lechet asked you to send them a PM with the changes you made. And rather than responding to that message, you just took their (rightfully) pissed off message from the original post and was like 'OMG WHY U ANGRY BRO, I AINT USIN ANY OF UR MODS NO MORE'. Like...what?

                                    TL;DR: People are allowed to be angry when stupid people keep stealing their art/mods without giving them credit or asking permission.
                                      bertglamga and Lechet like this.
                                    • Delta9

                                      Delta9 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      But I'm not angry. And I didn't for even one second call it my own work. And considering the edit to that post was made immediately after I asked if they wanted to have the edit, I believe it was aimed at me.

                                      I didn't intend my post to mean "not using" but "not changing". I realize now that that isn't what it sounds like. I did PM them, before the edit to the first post. And then I decided I'd rather not collaborate in an environment that starts off on that angry foot and I erased my edited files. It was meant not as a snappy retort, but a cease fire. They said "make your own" and I said "okay, okay, I will make my own."

                                      I'm not trying to burn bridges. I'm not trying to be a dick. I did screw up because of being a new person who wasn't familiar with the website layout and where I needed to go to check on permissions, and it was wrong of me to edit the files.

                                      And I admit my fault and still don't want to collaborate with someone that hates me even if rightfully so.
                                        Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
                                      • Meevers

                                        Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I actually didn't say that you personally claimed it as your own work, or posted the mod. What I said was I have literally seen other people post their mod with slight edits and try to pass it off as their own. In other words, the reason that message is even up there is because this mod author has already had problems with others essentially stealing their work, slightly editing it and claiming they made it or not even giving them credit. So I sincerely doubt that it was aimed directly at you, or that they 'hate you'. They've just rightfully had enough and are pissed off that people keep doing this.

                                        Also just a heads up on any mod site, any art site, any site that someone does work like this, you should ALWAYS ask for permission from the author themselves before going to edit their work with the intent to collaborate or release it. It's just common courtesy. It's not unique to this particular site.
                                          bertglamga and SarahKik like this.

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