I've been messing around with the tIDE and TILED map designers and was wondering what the 'paths' layer and tilesheet were and what they do. Thanks beforehand.
the Paths layer, to you as a map modder, is the starting debris and landscaping. As you edit maps with these, these need a new game to be visible as there are part of the save file so taking 1-4 across, a-h down ignore a and b, don't really do anything c1 is a background light c2-4 are the regrowing trees, d1 is a palm tree d2-e3 and f4 are the debris e4 is the giant log that needs iron ax to break f1 is big rck that needs iron pick to break f2 is big stump that needs copper ax f3 is starting grass spots g1 is this big 2x4 bush g2 is the medium 2x2 bush that will have berries g3 is the small 2x1 bush Unsure about the others, new with the beta g4 is i believe makes shimmering spots in the water in the forest areas? h1 - ??? h2 and h3 look like the icons when starting a multiplayer game to choose cabins near or far apart