Hello, I'm new to Stardew Valley and love editing simple data pieces in games. I wanted to make new weapons to the game and managed to set up most of what I need. What I need now is to figure out the numbers that are supposed to be placed into the weapons.yaml file. "Name/Description/Min Dmg/Max Dmg/Weight/Speed/Precision/Defense/WeaponType/?/?/?/CritChance/CritDmg" (Taken from @zcsnightmare 's Additional Weaponry) Above is the order of values that are in weapons.yaml. The first four are simple, but I'm having a hard time working out what the rest of the values mean. (I'm only missing Speed, Weapon Type, and the three ?s) Questions: 1. What are the values I should put to have a certain increase? Example: I want a 200% swing speed, but I don't know what value to put into Speed. 2. What are the three "?" stats? (I saw on the Additional Weaponry thread that the 3rd "?" is supposed to be <addedAreaOfEffect> but I'm not sure what that means either) I'm currently working on testing those values, so I'll edit anything I find. What I've figured out so far: [Using Base Values of Swords] Name: Name of the Weapon (Alphanumerical) Description: Description of the Weapon (Alphanumerical) Min Dmg: Minimum Damage (Numerical) Max Dmg: Maximum Damage (Numerical) Weight: Knockback Value (Numerical, can be negative) [Base is 1, and every +0.2 is a +1 Weight] Speed: Swing Speed (Numerical) [Base is 0, and every +2 is a +1 Speed or a ???% increase]* Precision: Increases minimum damage. (Numerical) [every 1 is a 1% Min Dmg increase]* Defense: Increased Defense (Numerical, can be negative) [every 1 is a +1 Defense and a ??? Damage Reduction] Weapon Type: Type of Weapon (Numerical, 0 to 3) [0 is ???, 1 is Dagger, 2 is Club, 3 is Sword] ?: Unknown ?: Unknown ?: Unknown, apparently should be <addedAreaOfEffect> Crit Chance: Chance of Critical Hit (Numerical from 0.00 to 1.00) [Every 0.01 is a 1% Crit Chance) Crit Dmg: Crit Power (Numerical) [Base is 3 and every 0.1 is a 5 Crit Power increase] Thanks in advance if anyone finds anything!