Modding Help How do I change the tile assests in the fossil minigame?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by [EdgyName], Oct 31, 2017.

  1. [EdgyName]

    [EdgyName] Space Spelunker

    I've made a mod, but currently I have a large issue with it. The mod changes the textures of many blocks, including dirt and cobblestone to be sloped, so when the fossil minigame is played, the textures in the minigame are also changed, but end up breaking. The minigame still plays fine, but doesn't look right. I've been trying for a couple hours now to fix the issue, and I can't seem to find anything that works. My knowledge of lua is extremely limited, so I can't figure out what I need to change.

    If anyone wants to try it out, the fossil game lua files are located in /interface/games/fossilgame

    If anyone that knows how to help, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  2. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    So what the game displays as the minigame tiles is actually specified in the individual .object file for the fossils, since all fossils are objects. The path is /objects/fossils/dirtyfossils and in there any of the .object files.
    They all will have a field called "materials" where you can specify your material ID.
     "materials" : [ "dirt", "cobblestone", "bonematerial" ]
    This is the default, just change it to something else.
    Hope it helps !
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
  3. [EdgyName]

    [EdgyName] Space Spelunker

    The "dirtmaterial = dirt" lines were one of the first things I tried, I wish it was that simple :/ If it's any help, when I was testing it before making the thread, the issue I came across was the fossil game not loading, with an error in the log saying that the variable "material" had a nill value in the file level.lua. I don't think there's a json file, if there was it would probably be with the other files. The line "local texture = util.absolutePath(util.pathDirectory(materialConfig.path), materialConfig.config.renderParameters.texture)" gives me the idea that the variable names are used to automatically select the textures, but I can't seem to figure which variable(s) to change, and where to make said changes.

    EDIT: The line above is line 48 on fossilgame.lua
  4. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    It was a json file but not in the place where someone would search for it :nuruwink:
  5. [EdgyName]

    [EdgyName] Space Spelunker

    Ah! thank you so much! Rip, I just replied, and now my messages don't make sense lol. I'd never have thought to look in the .object file.
  6. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    I actually discovered a typo in the dirtyfossil2.object file as well, gonna report it i think:nurucool:
  7. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    Youre welcome:nuruwink:
  8. [EdgyName]

    [EdgyName] Space Spelunker

    Sorry to bother you, for whatever reason I cannon seem to make any changes to the fossil files. Whenever I try to patch the object files the game crashes upon loading the fossils, saying that that the file I'm trying to patch doesn't exist. I've doublechecked all the names in the folder path, and I can't seem to get it working. When I mirror the files without patching everything works, except that fossils placed naturally aren't changed. I've looked at the JSON files for the biome generation, the changes I'm making should be working, but aren't. Got any ideas?
  9. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    hm... I don't know, is it still a problem ? because the only thing i could think of is something like a typo, but when you said you double checked the filenames... I dont't really know, maybe you could send me the file that is causing hte issue ?
  10. [EdgyName]

    [EdgyName] Space Spelunker

    It's not a specific file that's causing the issue, it's all of them. Whenever they're patched they apparently don't exist. When I try replacing them I do get something that I can spawn in and use, but the fossils generated naturally aren't changed. Maybe the objects in the dirtyfossils folder aren't used by the game?

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