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RELEASED Hull Plating Blocks & More - Revived 37.00

It's back! Tilesets, tile modifiers, parts, furniture, and tools to create custom works.

  1. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k submitted a new mod:

    Hull Plating Blocks & More - Revived - It's back! Tilesets, tile modifiers, parts, furniture, and tools to create custom works.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. snakeanarchy

    snakeanarchy Phantasmal Quasar

    cool, if it doesn't replace current player ships, i would be down for trying it out.
    have you considered putting out decorative addon objects similar to "More Tiles and Greebles"?
    also, some of the naming is a little off, such as Uranium stone, wouldn't that be called Ore? (i know your reviving the mod so its not on you for naming the stuff initially)
  3. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    This doesn't replace your ships at all. You'll have one of the many build-your-own ship type mods to do that. This would give you more things to build it from if you do. With your vanilla ships, I guess you could use these blocks to replace your background, etc. Things like thrusters aside, most of the mod can reasonably be used to build bases, etc. It isn't limited to ships at all.
    Both simulatoralive(the original author) and myself are fans of that mod. I also like nostalgic-greenery. There are a couple hylotl stuff mods out, and... I'm probably forgetting something good.

    There should be more furniture added eventually to this mod. Both interactive and decorative types. There are a lot of possibilities, so I'll just follow my inspiration you know. Plus I think a couple people are looking to add stuff into it.
    Uranium ore used to be an actual vanilla thing. Sadly removed. The uranium stone is embedding/coating the uranium into the stone(Alpha radiation not included). That's based off of how it used to look in game of course.
    looks like this
    But that's no fun, is it?
    Anyhow the original recipe called for stone and uranium ore. But the recipe had to be changed since they cruelly removed our uranium, plutonium, and other ionic friends.
  4. snakeanarchy

    snakeanarchy Phantasmal Quasar

    good responses, thank you! as a follow on, since the art style of the new stations is in line with that of ships, are you planning on representing station pieces in block form, for those that one to make planet side bases with that same theme?
  5. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    You mean you want to use the sloped metal? You can spawn that like this.
    /spawnitem slopedhullpanel 9999
    Granted my stuff stacks to 9999 cause I modded it.

    Or do you mean changing tiles to a
    Yeah that's definitely something to do. I have my own configuration as it where. As part of another mod(that I need to update LOL), I have 2 degrees of lighter black glass. And I built my own material configuration a while back. I think I'd use mine over the vanilla one, and let me show you why.

    See where the vanilla hullpanel blocks hit the (classic material config) pressurized steel blocks? Kinda ugly. Compare to where it hits my glass. And as you can see, I also have a working slope. It also works well against their sloped blocks. So I'd probably go with my own config here. My config is going to require changes to all the PNG files for all the tiles that use it though, so that will be a minor pain but worth it. And what's more, my configuration looks like less of a spite sheet nightmare!

    Also I just accidentally found out you can post screenshots straight off the clipboard here :D I meant to post text, forgetting I copied the shot.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  6. snakeanarchy

    snakeanarchy Phantasmal Quasar

    ya, the slopped blocks are much nicer, i will def agree there. i am using "Dramatic Terrain" specifically for that reason, and your right that the vanilla blocks just don't look good by comparison. i honestly hadn't played around with the new 1.3 blocks that were added (my bad on that score).
  7. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

  8. Zlyvr

    Zlyvr Phantasmal Quasar

    Great mod! But where I can craft glass trim?
  9. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

  10. Zlyvr

    Zlyvr Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, maybe FU blocking it...
    I can craft compounds, platinum, force field, but I can't find glass trim on any version of furnace :(
  11. jje64

    jje64 Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't know why, but I'm getting an error when I try to unzip this. I downloaded it twice, and both times I'm getting an "archive corrupted" warning about 3/4 of the way through the process. Any chance you can make this available as a regular zip file instead of a 7z?
  12. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Download 7zip. That's pretty much the standard now. You can then right click on the file, and "extract here" etc. No need to even open anything up. Plus it makes for smaller sizes.
  13. jje64

    jje64 Phantasmal Quasar

    I used 7zip, that's how I got the "archive corrupted" message. Both times. I guess it was probably Russian hackers messing with my downloads.

    I was hoping for a format that was more... native, and that doesn't require a special 3rd party program to use. This is the only mod I've encountered thus far that isn't a zip or pak file. No worries, though, thanks anyway.
  14. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k updated Hull Plating Blocks & More - Revived with a new update entry:

    Fixes and interface change

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Snowraven

    Snowraven Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe I'm just blind but I cannot seem to find the places to craft blocks like the Door Frame and Leather- I only found Fuel Gelatin and Screen blocks. I must find these things! I Thought I had every crafting table and I bought every single recipe blueprint. Help ;_;
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  16. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k updated Hull Plating Blocks & More - Revived with a new update entry:

    Read Me - 3 main changes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    I've been playing Starbound again and making a space station decorated with concrete back walls. While reading online to find out if a concrete space station was even realistic (out of curiosity alone), I discovered Lunarcrete, a concrete variant made from things readily available on the moon.

    I couldn't resist this idea, since moon dust, moon stone and moon rock are totally useless in Starbound. I made a recipe to make concrete slab from them:
      "input": [
        { "item": "moonrock",
          "count": 1 },
        { "item": "liquidwater",
          "count": 3 },
        { "item": "moondust",
          "count": 2 },
        { "item": "moonstone",
          "count": 3 }
      "output": { "item": "HPB_concretehull",
          "count": 20
      "groups": [ "mod", "HPB_mod", "craftingfurniture", "materials", "all" ]
    I've tested this and it works quite well. Makes it really easy to get ingredients for concrete.
    For completeness, I think there needs to be a recipe for extracting water from moon dust, but honestly, I don't think it matters that much.
  18. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Yeah that looks like a good recipe for it and gives another reason to visit moons. I'll change that in the next version. I have an unreleased update anyhow but haven't gotten around to extensively testing it yet.
  19. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    Well, I went ahead and added moon dust water extraction to my little test mod. I just finished testing, so here's the results.

    Here's "items/materials/moondust.matitem.patch":
        { "op": "test", "path": "/learnBlueprintsOnPickup", "inverse": true },
        { "op": "add", "path": "/learnBlueprintsOnPickup", "value": [] }
        { "op": "add", "path": "/learnBlueprintsOnPickup/-", "value": "liquidwater" }
    This is "recipes/furnace/HPB_water.recipe":
      "input": [
        { "item": "moondust",
          "count": 3 }
      "output": { "item": "liquidwater",
          "count": 1 },
      "groups": [ "mod", "HPB_mod", "craftingfurnace", "ingredients", "all" ]
  20. simulatoralive

    simulatoralive Existential Complex

    As far as I can tell, I've found a bug.

    I was trying to place some Red-Hot Cobblestone blocks on a magma world. I was planning to use them as a foundation to build a core plating base on top of. I briefly saw the blocks appear and then I was suddenly back on my ship. Every time I visit that section of the world, I'm now kicked back to my ship.

    I assumed this was some form of error and looked at my log.

    Here's the relevant portion of my log file (I'll attach the whole file at the end):
    [12:29:02.068] [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught: (MaterialException) No such material id: 6539
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x66) [0xa91c36]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star17MaterialExceptionC1ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x52) [0xccaad2]
    ./starbound(_ZNK4Star16MaterialDatabase15getMaterialInfoEt+0x6e) [0xcc1bce]
    ./starbound(_ZNK4Star16MaterialDatabase12isMultiColorEt+0x19) [0xcc1d99]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star11LiquidWorld15liquidCollisionERKNS_6VectorIiLm2EEEhS4_+0x126) [0x114d8a6]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star16LiquidCellEngineIhE6finishEv+0x297) [0x11cd2d7]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star16LiquidCellEngineIhE6updateEv+0x1a9) [0x11cdbc9]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star11WorldServer6updateEv+0x174a) [0x11b28ea]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread6updateENS_19WorldServerFidelityE+0x4be) [0x11d021e]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorldServerThread3runEv+0xdb0) [0x11d1380]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x15) [0xa9b845]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x9609) [0x7fd3a88b4609]
    /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x43) [0x7fd3a8679293]
    [12:29:02.079] [Error] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:-20474179:452216758:90106450:9 has stopped due to an error
    [12:29:02.079] [Info] UniverseServer: World CelestialWorld:-20474179:452216758:90106450:9 shutdown, kicking 1 players to their own ships
    [12:29:02.179] [Info] UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8a43ad90f3d61d1cfecb7d95bd64b2b8
    By the look of it, some reference to a non-existent material was made: 6539.

    So, I unpacked the mod and went poking through it's files, looking for some clue as to what's going on.
    Here's 'tiles/materials/redhotcobblestone.material':
      "materialId": 42293,
      "materialName": "redhotcobblestone",
      "particleColor": [149, 149, 149, 255],
      "itemDrop": "redhotcobblestone",
      "shortdescription": "Red-Hot Cobblestone",
      "description": "Hard stones, smooth to the touch, heated to incandescent temperatures!",
      "glitchDescription": "Statement. High temperature cobblestones.",
      "floranDescription": "Hot cobblessstone.",
      "footstepSound": "/sfx/blocks/footstep_stone3.ogg",
      "health": 4,
      "category": "materials",
      "renderTemplate": "/tiles/classicmaterialtemplate.config",
      "renderParameters": {
        "texture": "redhotcobblestone.png",
        "variants": 5,
        "lightTransparent": false,
        "multiColored": false,
        "occludesBelow": true,
        "zLevel": 1640,
        "radiantLight": [115, 43, 0]
      "liquidInteractions": [
          "liquidId": 2,
          "consumeLiquid": 0.15,
          "transformMaterialId": 6539
    As you can see, down at the bottom of that file, it does, indeed, make reference to material ID 6539, which isn't even in the range used by the mod. I can't say I understand what's going on with this, but it looks like you've got Red-Hot Cobblestone setup to do something on contact with a liquid. If I've read correctly online and I'm understanding what I'm reading, liquid ID 2 is lava and you've got it setup to transform lava into a non-existent material on contact with Red-Hot Cobblestone.

    This must surely have been unintentional, right?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2021

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