I haven't got any hay!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FliyingWither, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. FliyingWither

    FliyingWither Space Hobo

    Hello guys i need a help for Stardew Valley.A few days ago i played Stardew valley.i have a coop and 4 chickens and 4 ducks.when i went to get hay for my animals i see i havent got any hay and its winter.the woman who sell hay wasnt at the shop.So i say How can i find a hay in winter????and if i dont put any hay for animals,Will They die?
    • Stryder87

      Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

      Nothing dies in Stardew except for monsters. The worst that will happen is the animal's happiness bottoms out and you get no produce from them. Definitely high on your to-do is get a Silo built and then stock it with enough hay for each animal for the winter (you can only get hay in the Winter from Marnie south of your farm). But, no... it won't kill them.
        FliyingWither likes this.
      • Lorekeeper of Wyverns

        Lorekeeper of Wyverns Void-Bound Voyager

        Animals can't die in Stardew, so don't worry too much! At most, you'll lose out on any profits you'd make using them and some of their happiness (though I'm not certain how much). Unfortunately, the only way to get hay in Winter is through Marnie for (I believe) 50g a piece. You won't lose too much if you have to buy some to keep you going through Winter, but really, if you need that money for something else, then you aren't punished too much for not feeding them.
          ChaosAzeroth and FliyingWither like this.
        • Phea

          Phea Big Damn Hero

          You definitely can buy hay, don't worry. I ran into this problem in my first year too! Marnie should be at the shop (doesn't count if she's in the kitchen or her bedroom) from around 10, but she often leaves to go to the town. According to the wiki, her schedule in winter is:

          Runs shop from 9 AM - 4 PM

          Monday, Tuesday
          Does not run shop

          Runs shop from 9 AM - 4 PM

          Does not run shop

          Runs shop from 9 AM - 4 PM

          Runs shop from 9 AM - 4 PM

          Some of the times may be inaccurate.

          Tips for the winter (and this has really helped me a lot):
          - Get a silo or two built on your farm. They don't take up a lot of space and you can store hay in them. When using the scythe to cut grass, the grass will automatically be turned to hay and will be stored in your silo. Then you will be able to give it to your animals, or, if you have the highest upgraded barn/coop, it will automatically place hay in your barn/coop for you.
          - On the last day of autumn, get your scythe and harvest all the grass around your farm that you can get to. If you want to survive the winter, this is really important. Make sure you have enough silos to fill them all up with hay. I find that at least 3 full silos helps me through the winter, but depending on the number of animals you have, it can vary.
            FliyingWither likes this.
          • Stryder87

            Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

            Just a note: each animal uses 1 piece of hay each day during Winter, so if you had 6 animals total (of any type), you would use the following: 6 (animals) x 28 (days) = 168 hay needed for the winter. If you decide to fill up your Silo(s) during the year, don't forget that any rainy day means the animals stay in the coop/barn and will (read: should) use a days worth of hay. Don't forget to calculate that if you're only filling your Silo(s) as much as needed instead of just plain full.
              Phea and FliyingWither like this.
            • ladymurasaki

              ladymurasaki Star Wrangler

              If you grow grass without a Silo yet (nor any animals either!), can the harvested stuff keep in your chests?
              • Phea

                Phea Big Damn Hero

                You won't get hay by cutting the grass with your scythe if you don't have a silo. You can, however, buy hay from Marnie and store it in a chest, or you can place it inside the feeder of barn/coop once you get one.
                • ladymurasaki

                  ladymurasaki Star Wrangler

                  Okay, thanks GG123. Perfect answer.
                  • Phea

                    Phea Big Damn Hero

                    Glad I could help!
                    • ladymurasaki

                      ladymurasaki Star Wrangler

                      So I read and learned and built my silo before even getting a single chicken. Kept all the grass growing on the farm til the silo was complete then filled it up in a day...>_< Realized that I can't take out the pieces of hay from the silo for the community bundle. So still have to buy it from the store or can I take the hay out if I build a coop now? So much difficult.
                      • Phea

                        Phea Big Damn Hero

                        Unfortunately, you can't take it out from the Silo. If you have a coop or barn, there will be a feeder filled with hay around the top left corner. If you click it (it has to be before you put hay down for your animals), it will give you the amount of hay that you need to feed your animals. So if you have 4 chickens, then the feeder will give you 4 pieces of hay. Take out as much as you want.

                        If the animals have already been fed (like you already placed some hay out for them, and there is enough for all of the animals), then you won't be able to take any more hay out of the feeder since it's sole purpose is for the animals. If you have too much hay, you can hold it and click the feeder and it will go back in or click the silo while holding the extra hay and it will go back in.
                        • ladymurasaki

                          ladymurasaki Star Wrangler

                          Alright. Will build a barn or coop soon...when I have enough funds! Early game money is always tough in any HM-type game.
                          • Ddang3r

                            Ddang3r Space Hobo

                            Alternatively, if you want to have an infinite supply of grass. I found I was able to place any type of fence on grass starter.. without having my animals eat the grass underneath, it saves a lot of the hay in my silos to 20180120_184337.jpg stock up for the winter.
                            • ladymurasaki

                              ladymurasaki Star Wrangler

                              Oh that's interesting...didn't know I could place fences on other stuffs. Do the animals eat the grass if it's not in their immediate area (like HM)? I ended up making a second silo since my farm still has tons of grass/weeds that keeps regrowing like...weeds.

                              Answered my own question when the cows and chickens got all grouchy without grass they can walk thru.
                                Last edited: Jan 24, 2018

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